International Handbook of Organizational Crisis Management reflects the latest understanding of the field from prominent scholars and practitioners around the globe. Pushing the boundaries of crisis management research and practice, the handbook offers new frameworks and findings that capture insights and guidance for researchers and executives.
Key Features
· Provides the latest thinking on and encourages growing support of crisis management in today′s business environment: Novel and poorly understood technologies, globalization, changing political climates, and a shifting social landscape are just a few of the forces currently changing the ways in which organizations experience crises.
· Challenges core assumptions and goes beyond conventional rules: Numerous books touch on the topic, but many lack rigor with untested fear based prescriptions and quick fixes.
· Offers a diversity of angles and levels of analysis: Crisis management is analyzed from societal, interorganizational, organizational, and individual perspectives.
· Presents international and multicultural perspectives: Crises are not perceived in the same way globally; therefore, international researchers and practitioners expose their views of crisis management from their own cultural angles.
Intended Audience
Offering a leading-edge overview of the field of crisis management, this resource is useful for researchers and thoughtful practitioners in business and management, psychology, and sociology. It can also be used in graduate courses such as Strategic Management and Business Policy, Corporate Strategy, Occupational/Industrial Psychology, and Communication Risk Management.
Tabla de materias
I. New Risks, New Crises, New Dangers
Chapter 1: Organizations in World Risk Society – Ulrich Beck & Boris Holzer
Chapter 2: Crisis Management and Legitimacy: Facing Symbolic Disorders – Romain Laufer
Chapter 3: Understanding and Managing Crises in an ‘Online World’ – Sarah Kovoor-Misra & Manavendra Misra
II. New Crises, New Meaning
Chapter 4: Organizational Sensemaking During Crisis – Karlene H. Roberts, Peter Madsen, & Vinit Desai
Chapter 5: Crisis Sensemaking and the Public Inquiry – Robert P. Gephart, Jr.
Chapter 6: A Cognitive Approach to Crisis Management in Organizations – Jean-Marie Jacques, Laurent Gatot & Anne Wallemacq
III. New Crises, New Barriers
Chapter 7: The Psychological Effects of Crisis: Deny Denial — Grieve Before a Crisis Occurs – Ian I. Mitroff
Chapter 8: A Passion for Imperfections: Revisiting Crisis Management – Christophe Roux-Dufort
Chapter 9: The Eight Characteristics of Japanese Crisis-Prone Organizations – Toshihiko Hagiwara
Chapter 10: Voices From the Terrace: From ‘Mock Bureaucracy’ to Learning From Crisis’ Within the UK′s Soccer Industry – Dominic Elliott & Denis Smith
IV. New Crises, New Solutions
Chapter 11: A ‘Total’ Responsibility Management Approach to Crisis Management and Signal Detection in Organizations – Judith Clair & Sandra Waddock
Chapter 12: Crisis Management Simulations: Flaws and Remedies – Bertrand Robert & Christopher Lajtha
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Sobre el autor
Judith Clair received a B.A. in psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Ph.D. in business management from the University of Southern California. She joined the Department of Organization Studies at Boston College in 1993 and served as the Department Chairperson for four years. She has consulted for organizations in the areas of crisis management, natural environmental management, fraud detection, and performance enhancement. Her current research interests include how individuals manage identities at work and how individuals and organizations experience, make sense of and take action on critical organizational events like organizational crises and downsizings. Her publications have appeared in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Organizational Dynamics, Academy of Management Executive, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Advances in Qualitative Organizational Research, and Industrial and Environmental Crisis Quarterly. Dr. Clair teaches courses in organizational behavior, leadership, and management of multicultural diversity. She teaches at the undergraduate, MBA, Ph.D. and executive levels. She is a faculty partner with Leadership for Change, an executive education program in the Carroll School of Management.