The indispensable reference tool for the groundbreaking science of evolutionary psychology
Why is the mind designed the way it is? How does input from the environment interact with the mind to produce behavior? These are the big, unanswered questions that the field of evolutionary psychology seeks to explore. The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology is the seminal work in this vibrant, quickly-developing new discipline. In this thorough revision and expansion, luminaries in the field provide an in-depth exploration of the foundations of evolutionary psychology and explain the new empirical discoveries and theoretical developments that continue at a breathtaking pace.
Evolutionary psychologists posit that the mind has a specialized and complex structure, just as the body has a specialized and complex structure. From this important theoretical concept arises the vast array of possibilities that are at the core of the field, which seeks to examine such traits as perception, language, and memory from an evolutionary perspective. This examination is intended to determine the human psychological traits that are the products of sexual and natural selection and, as such, to chart and understand human nature.
* Join the discussion of the big questions addressed by the burgeoning field of evolutionary psychology
* Explore the foundations of evolutionary psychology, from theory and methods to the thoughts of EP critics
* Discover the psychology of human survival, mating, parenting, cooperation and conflict, culture, and more
* Identify how evolutionary psychology is interwoven with other academic subjects and traditional psychological disciplines
The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology is the definitive guide for every psychologist and student interested in keeping abreast of new ideas in this quickly-developing field.
Tabla de materias
Foreword ix
Steven Pinker
Acknowledgments xv
Contributors xvii
Introduction: The Emergence and Maturation of Evolutionary Psychology xxiii
David M. Buss
David M. Buss
1 The Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology 3
John Tooby and Leda Cosmides
2 Life History Theory and Evolutionary Psychology 88
Marco Del Giudice, Steven W. Gangestad, and Hillard S. Kaplan
3 Methods of Evolutionary Sciences 115
Jeffry A. Simpson and Lorne Campbell
4 Evolutionary Psychology and Its Critics 136
Edward H. Hagen
5 Intuitive Ontologies and Domain Specificity 161
Pascal Boyer and H. Clark Barrett
David M. Buss
6 The Evolutionary Psychology of Food Intake and Choice 183
Paul Rozin and Peter M. Todd
7 The Behavioral Immune System 206
Mark Schaller
8 Spatial Navigation and Landscape Preferences 225
Irwin Silverman and Jean Choi
9 Adaptations to Predators and Prey 246
H. Clark Barrett
10 Adaptations to Dangers From Humans 264
Joshua D. Duntley
Challenges of Mating 287
David M. Buss
Adaptationism and Human Mating Psychology 291
Donald Symons
11 Fundamentals of Human Mating Strategies 294
David P. Schmitt
12 Physical Attractiveness: An Adaptationist Perspective 317
Lawrence S. Sugiyama
13 Contest Competition in Men 385
David A. Puts, Drew H. Bailey, and Philip L. Reno
14 Women’s Sexual Interests Across the Ovulatory Cycle 403
Steven W. Gangestad, Randy Thornhill, and Christine E. Garver-Apgar
15 Human Sperm Competition 427
Todd K. Shackelford, Aaron T. Goetz, Craig W. La Munyon, Michael N. Pham, and Nicholas Pound
16 Human Sexuality and Inbreeding Avoidance 444
Debra Lieberman and Jan Antfolk
17 Sexual Coercion 462
Mark Huppin and Neil M. Malamuth
18 Love and Commitment in Romantic Relationships 482
Lorne Campbell and Timothy J. Loving
Martin Daly
19 Kin Selection 505
Raymond Hames
20 Evolution of Paternal Investment 524
David C. Geary
21 Parental Investment and Parent-Offspring Conflict 542
Catherine Salmon
22 The Evolutionary Ecology of the Family 561
Ruth Mace
23 Hunter-Gatherer Families and Parenting 578
Coren L. Apicella and Alyssa N. Crittenden
24 The Role of Hormones in the Evolution of Human Sociality 598
Mark V. Flinn and Carol V. Ward
Author Index I-1
Subject Index I-30
Sobre el autor
David M. Buss, Phd is the author of more than 200 scientific articles and six books. He has won numerous awards including the American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology (1988), the APA G. Stanley Hall Lectureship (1990), the APA Distinguished Scientist Lecturer Award (2001), and the Robert W. Hamilton Book Award (2000) for the first edition of Evolutionary Psychology. He is also the editor of the first comprehensive Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (2005, Wiley). He enjoys extensive cross-cultural research collaborations and lectures widely within the United States and abroad.