MARGARET WU, PARK KWNGMEE & LEUNG KOON SHING FREDERICK 153 Chapter 2-1 : Some Comparative Studies between French and Vietnamese Curricula ANNIE BESSOT & CLAUDE COMITI 159 Chapter 2-2: An Overview of the Mathematics Curricula in the West and East MARGARET WU & ZHANG DIANZHOU 181 Chapter 2-3: Classification and Framing of Mathematical Knowledge in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, and the United States LI YEPING & MARK B. GINSBURG 195 Chapter 2-4: Comparative Study of Arithmetic Problems in Singaporean and American Mathematics Textbooks YEAP BAN-HAR; BEVERLY J. FERRUCCI & JACK A. CARTER 2 13 Chapter 2-5: A Comparative Study of the Mathematics Textbooks of China, England, Japan, Korea, and the United States PARK KYUNGMEE & LEUNG KOON SHING FREDERICK 227 Chapter 2-6: A Comparison of Mathematics Performance between East and West: What PISA and TIMSS Can Tell Us MARGARET WU 239 Chapter 2-7: Case Studies on Mathematics Assessment Practices in Australian and Chinese Primary Schools & ZHAO DA-CHENG; JOANNE MULLIGAN MICHAEL MITCHELMORE 26 1 Chapter 2-8: Philippine Perspective on the ICMI Comparative Study BIENVENIDO F. NEBRES, S. J. 277 Section 3: Teaching and Learning – Introduction COLETTE LABORDE Chapter 3-1 : The TIMSS 1995 and 1999 Video Studies JOHANNA NEUBRAND Chapter 3-2: Proposal for a Framework to Analyse Mathematics Education in Eastern and Western Traditions GABRIELE KAISER, KEIKO HINO AND CHRISTINE KNIPPING Chapter 3-3: Cultural Diversity and the Learner’s Perspective: Attending to Voice and Context DAVID CLARKE, YOSHINORI SHIMIZU, SOLEDAD A. ULEP, FLORENDA L.
Tabla de materias
Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions: A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West.- Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions: A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West.- Research on Affect in Mathematics Education: A Reconceptualisation.- Mathematics Education in East Asia and the West: Does Culture Matter?.- Context of Mathematical Education.- A Traditional Aspect of Mathematics Education in Japan.- From Wasan to Yozan.- Perceptions of Mathematics and Mathematics Education in the Course of History – A Review of Western Perspectives.- Historical Topics as Indicators for the Existence of Fundamentals in Educational Mathematics.- From “Entering the Way” to “Exiting the Way”: In Search of a Bridge to Span “Basic Skills” and “Process Abilities”.- Practice Makes Perfect: A Key Belief in China.- The Origins of Pupils’ Awareness of Teachers’ Mathematics Pedagogical Values: Confucianism and Buddhism – Driven.- Curriculum.- Some Comparative Studies between French and Vietnamese Curricula.- An Overview of the Mathematics Curricula in the West and East.- Classification and Framing of Mathematical Knowledge in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, and the United States.- Comparative Study of Arithmetic Problems in Singaporean and American Mathematics Textbooks.- A Comparative Study of the Mathematics Textbooks of China, England, Japan, Korea, and the United States.- A Comparison of Mathematics Performance Between East and West: What PISA and TIMSS Can Tell Us.- Case Studies on Mathematics Assessment Practices in Australian and Chinese Primary Schools.- Philippine Perspective on the ICMI Comparative Study.- Teaching and Learning.- The TIMSS 1995 and 1999 Video Studies.- Proposal for a Framework to Analyse Mathematics Education in Eastern and Western Traditions.- Cultural Diversity and the Learner’s Perspective: Attending to Voice and Context.- Mathematics Education in China: From a Cultural Perspective.- Mathematics Education and Information and Communication Technologies.- Cultural Awareness Arising from Internet Communication between Japanese and Australian Classrooms.- The International Distance Learning Activities of HSARUC.- Distance Learning between Japanese and German Classrooms.- Values and Beliefs.- Comparing Primary and Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs about Mathematics, Mathematics Learning and Mathematics Teaching in Hong Kong and Australia.- The Impact of Cultural Differences on Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs in the U.S. and China.- U.S. and Chinese Teachers’ Cultural Values of Representations in Mathematics Education.- A Comparison of Mathematical Values Conveyed in Mathematics Textbooks in China and Australia.- Values and Classroom Interaction: Students’ Struggle for Sense Making.- Trip for the Body, Expedition for the Soul: An Exploratory Survey of Two East Asian Teachers of Mathematics in Australia.- Conceptualising Pedagogical Values and Identities in Teacher Development.- Outlook and Conclusions.- Elements of a Semiotic Analysis of the Secondary Level Classroom in Japan.- Other Conventions in Mathematics and Mathematics Education.- What Comes After This Comparative Study — More Competitions or More Collaborations?.
Sobre el autor
Frederick Leung is a professor of mathematics education at The University of Hong Kong, specializing in international comparison of curriculum, and the relationship between culture and mathematics teaching and learning
Klaus-D. Graf is a professor of computer science at Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, specializing in applications in education and society
Francis Lopez-Real is a professor of mathematics education at The University of Hong Kong, specializing in problem-solving and dynamic geometry