Between 130 and 170 million girls and women have undergone gemale genital mutilation (FGM) worldwide. Due to rising immigration rates from African countries genital mutilation has become a topic in Germany.This publication gives a detailed description of FGM and the ethical complexity of this practice. An empirical study among gynecologists was carried out to explore in what extent they are confronted with circumcised women, to examine their knowledge concerning FGM and to find out how they consider the problem. This publication is a reflecting analysis of FGM to develop sensitive measures against FGM here in Germany as well as worldwide.Circumcised women need a sensitive and dignified medical care which knows and respects the individual cultural background and at the same time however new cases of FGM shall be prevented.
Sobre el autor
Prof. Dr. Markus Rothhaar lehrt Bioethik an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.