This book links tropical agri-chain dynamics – with which CIRAD and AFD have been involved for decades – to that of sustainable development. Increased environmental and social concerns urge agri-chain actors and development practitioners to design innovations, and public and private actors to invent regulations in connection with agri-chains to improve sustainability.
With a view to contributing towards implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this book examines the different roles of agri-chains: as vectors of development, as spaces of innovation, as objects of evaluation, and as arenas of regulation. It builds upon the findings and experiences of CIRAD and its researchers together with their Southern partners, and of AFD and its officers.
Linking agricultural production with the other economic sectors, agri- chains are key spaces where local and global challenges to sustainability meet and where local and global actors experiment interlinked orcommon solutions.
Table of Content
Acknowledgments.- General Foreword.- Foreword by AFD.- Chapter 1: Introduction.- PART 1: THE TROPICAL AGRI-CHAIN AS A VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT?.- Chapter 2: The concept of filière or value chain: an analytical framework for development policies and strategies.- Chapter 3: History of public organizations and associations specializing in a single agricultural commodity and related to francophone Africa.- Chapter 4: Evolution of donor intervention modalities on agri-chains: the AFD experience.- Chapter 5: Alliances between agri-chain actors for a sustainable development of territories in Vietnam.- Chapter 6: Collective action in agri-chains.- Chapter 7: Agri-chains (or filières) and food and nutrition security: two independent concepts.- PART 2 – AGRI-CHAINS AS A FRAMEWORK FOR INNOVATION IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.- Chapter 8: Contribution of research to innovation within agri-chains.- Chapter 9: Agri-chains and partnership approaches to research.- Chapter 10: Design of cropping systems and ecological intensification.- Chapter 11: Evolution and challenges of varietal improvement strategies.- Chapter 12: Sustainable processing systems: what new strategies for tropical agri-chains?.- Chapter 13: A step towards food security.- PART 3 – DIVERSITY OF USES OF BIOMASS AND INTER-AGRI-CHAIN DYNAMICS.- Chapter 14 – Agricultural and forestry chains in the countries of the South in the age of bioenergy.- Chapter 15: Diversifying biomass uses through new cropping systems.- Chapter 16: Inter-supply chain recycling of residues.- Chapter 17: A counterpoint on waste.- PART 4 – AGRI-CHAINS AND EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABILITY.- Chapter 18: Why and how to assess the contribution of an agri-chain to sustainable development?.- Chapter 19: How to assess the environmental impacts of an agri-chain?.- Chapter 20: – Instruments to assess the social impacts of value chains.- Chapter 21: Agri-chains and evaluation of sustainability.- PART 5 – CAN AGRI-CHAINS ACT AS AN ARENA OFREGULATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT?.- Chapter 22: Agro-industrial strategies and voluntary mechanisms for the sustainability of tropical global value chains: the place of territories.- Chapter 23: The standardization of sustainable development through the insertion of agricultural global value chains into international markets.- Chapter 24: Ecosystem services, payments for environmental services, and agri-chains: what kind of regulation to enhance sustainability?.- Chapter 25: – Global strategies of firms and the financialization of agriculture.- Chapter 26:- General conclusion and new research perspectives.- List of abbreviations.- List of text boxes.- List of authors.
About the author
The coordinators of this book project are Mrs. Estelle Biénabe, CIRAD, Montpellier, France, Dr. Alain Rival, CIRAD, Jakarta, Indonesia and Dr. Denis Loeillet, CIRAD, Montpellier, France.