CAROLE BONANNI Associate Professor at ESC Rennes School of Business, France, where she manages the Strategy and Marketing Department. She recently co-authored the first French handbook on CSR:
La RSE – Responsabilité sociale des entreprises – Théories et pratiques. She was previously a faculty member at Simon Fraser University, Canada, where she remains an affiliate professor.
FRANÇOIS LÉPINEUX holds the CANON Chair « Foresight and the Common Good » at ESC Rennes School of Business, France. He has recently co-edited two books Finance for a better world and Business, globalization and the common good. He is co-founder and past-President of ADERSE, the French academic association on CSR.
JULIA ROLOFF Associate Professor at the ESC Rennes School of Business, France. She has published several articles on stakeholder management, multi-stakeholder networks, the management of sustainability and organizational autonomy in supply chains, the ISO 26000 and on CSR in small and medium sized businesses as well as a book on social change initiated by the implementation of social standards in supply chains.
1 Ebooks par C. Bonanni
C. Bonanni & F. Lépineux: Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good
An exploration of the interplay between social responsibility, entrepreneurship and the common good which is organized into four sections: business and the common good; educating responsible entrepre …