CAROLE BONANNI Associate Professor at ESC Rennes School of Business, France, where she manages the Strategy and Marketing Department. She recently co-authored the first French handbook on CSR:
La RSE – Responsabilité sociale des entreprises – Théories et pratiques. She was previously a faculty member at Simon Fraser University, Canada, where she remains an affiliate professor.
FRANÇOIS LÉPINEUX holds the CANON Chair “Foresight and the Common Good” at ESC Rennes School of Business, France. He has recently co-edited two books Finance for a better world and Business, globalization and the common good. He is co-founder and past-President of ADERSE, the French academic association on CSR.
JULIA ROLOFF Associate Professor at the ESC Rennes School of Business, France. She has published several articles on stakeholder management, multi-stakeholder networks, the management of sustainability and organizational autonomy in supply chains, the ISO 26000 and on CSR in small and medium sized businesses as well as a book on social change initiated by the implementation of social standards in supply chains.
1 Ebooks door C. Bonanni
C. Bonanni & F. Lépineux: Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good
An exploration of the interplay between social responsibility, entrepreneurship and the common good which is organized into four sections: business and the common good; educating responsible entrepre …