Auteur: Dhyan Kutappa Kutappa Bollachettira

Dhyan Kutappa Bollachettira »s passions include his family, his pets, farming, yoga, meditation, nature and writing on issues close to his heart in his blog and possesses an ME in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida, with nearly 22 years of rich experience in the Global Engineering Consulting industry.He is the founder of Shambhala Samathvam, a start-up focused on niche innovative solutions for Decentralised and Transparent Location based governance, Edemocracy, Real Estate, Agriculture and Natural Living.He is a member of American Mensa since 2000. He is a United States Parachute Association « A » License holder in Skydiving in 2001. He has passed the Pianoforte Grade 5 (Trinity College of Music, London) in 1989.

1 Ebooks par Dhyan Kutappa Kutappa Bollachettira

Dhyan Kutappa Bollachettira: The Art and Science of Real Wealth
I have been in the field of investing ever since I was a young teen during the mania of the early 1990s. I have had huge successes and even bigger failures and even bigger success again after that. I …