Dhyan Kutappa Bollachettira”s passions include his family, his pets, farming, yoga, meditation, nature and writing on issues close to his heart in his blog https://aryadharma.world/ and https://artofrealwealth.com/.He possesses an ME in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida, with nearly 22 years of rich experience in the Global Engineering Consulting industry.He is the founder of Shambhala Samathvam, a start-up focused on niche innovative solutions for Decentralised and Transparent Location based governance, Edemocracy, Real Estate, Agriculture and Natural Living.He is a member of American Mensa since 2000. He is a United States Parachute Association „A” License holder in Skydiving in 2001. He has passed the Pianoforte Grade 5 (Trinity College of Music, London) in 1989.
1 Ebooks de Dhyan Kutappa Kutappa Bollachettira
Dhyan Kutappa Bollachettira: The Art and Science of Real Wealth
I have been in the field of investing ever since I was a young teen during the mania of the early 1990s. I have had huge successes and even bigger failures and even bigger success again after that. I …