PD Dr. Astrid Wonneberger is a social/cultural anthropologist and lecturer at the Department of Social Work (M.A. Applied Family Studies) at the HAW Hamburg. From 2018-2022 she was employed as research associate in the BMBF project « POMIKU ».
Dr. Sabina Stelzig is a sociologist and lecturer at the Department of Social Work (M.A. Applied Family Studies). From 2018-2022 she was employed as research associate in the BMBF project « POMIKU ».
Dr. Katja Weidtmann is professor of Family Psychology at the Department of Social Work, head of the M.A. Applied Family Studies and project leader of the BMBF project « POMIKU ».
Diana Lölsdorf, M.A., worked as research associate in the BMBF project « POMIKU » from 2018-2022. She is currently working on her doctorate on “educational partnerships in daycare centers”.
2 Ebooks par Diana Lölsdorf
Astrid Wonneberger & Sabina Stelzig: Werte und Wertewandel in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft
Dieser Sammelband beschäftigt sich mit Werte-, Normen- und Einstellungswandel in unserer durch zunehmende kulturelle Differenz geprägten Gesellschaft. Eingebettet in die aktuelle Diskussion um eine „ …
Astrid Wonneberger & Sabina Stelzig: Values and value change in the post-migrant society
This anthology deals with changes in values, norms, and attitudes in our society, which is increasingly characterized by cultural diversity. Embedded in the current debate about a ‘post-migrant socie …