Penulis: Diana Lölsdorf

PD Dr. Astrid Wonneberger is a social/cultural anthropologist and lecturer at the Department of Social Work (M.A. Applied Family Studies) at the HAW Hamburg. From 2018-2022 she was employed as research associate in the BMBF project “POMIKU”. Dr. Sabina Stelzig is a sociologist and lecturer at the Department of Social Work (M.A. Applied Family Studies). From 2018-2022 she was employed as research associate in the BMBF project “POMIKU”. Dr. Katja Weidtmann is professor of Family Psychology at the Department of Social Work, head of the M.A. Applied Family Studies and project leader of the BMBF project “POMIKU”. Diana Lölsdorf, M.A., worked as research associate in the BMBF project “POMIKU” from 2018-2022. She is currently working on her doctorate on “educational partnerships in daycare centers”.  

2 Ebooks oleh Diana Lölsdorf

Astrid Wonneberger & Sabina Stelzig: Werte und Wertewandel in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft
Dieser Sammelband beschäftigt sich mit Werte-, Normen- und Einstellungswandel in unserer durch zunehmende kulturelle Differenz geprägten Gesellschaft. Eingebettet in die aktuelle Diskussion um eine …
Astrid Wonneberger & Sabina Stelzig: Values and value change in the post-migrant society
This anthology deals with changes in values, norms, and attitudes in our society, which is increasingly characterized by cultural diversity. Embedded in the current debate about a ‘post-migrant socie …