Auteur: Harald Fuchs

Xiaodong Chen is a Singapore NRF Fellow and Nanyang Assistant Professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). He received his BSc degree in Chemistry from Fuzhou University (China) in 1999, his MSc degree in Physical Chemistry from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002, and his Ph D degree in Biochemistry from the University of Münster (Germany) in 2006. After his postdoctoral work at Northwestern University (USA), he started his independent research career at Nanyang Technological University in 2009. His research interests include self-assembly, plasmonics, nanoelectronics, and integrated nano-photo-bio interfaces. Harald Fuchs is Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Münster (Germany) and Scientific Director of the Center of Nanotechnology (Ce NTech) in Münster. His research focuses on nanoscale science and nanotechnology, ranging from scanning probe microscopy to self-organized nanostructure fabrication, and nano-bio systems. He has published more than 450 scientific articles in top journals and received several awards. He is currently a member of various scientific organizations, German speaker of the international collabroation project TRR 61 commonly funded by DFG and NSFC, and founding member of the Herbert Gleiter Institute at NJUST, Nanjing China. He is elected member of the German National Academy of Science « Leopoldina » , the German Academy of Science and Engineering « acatech », and TWAS.

24 Ebooks par Harald Fuchs

Xiaodong Chen & Harald Fuchs: Soft Matter Nanotechnology
Using the well-honed tools of nanotechnology, this book presents breakthrough results in soft matter research, benefitting from the synergies between the chemistry, physics, biology, materials scienc …
Xiaodong Chen & Harald Fuchs: Soft Matter Nanotechnology
Using the well-honed tools of nanotechnology, this book presents breakthrough results in soft matter research, benefitting from the synergies between the chemistry, physics, biology, materials scienc …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods III
The Nobel Prize of 1986 on Sc- ning Tunneling Microscopy sig- led a new era in imaging. The sc- ning probes emerged as a new i- trument for imaging with a pre- sion suf?cient to delineate single atom …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods II
The Nobel Prize of 1986 on Sc- ning Tunneling Microscopysignaled a new era in imaging. The sc- ning probes emerged as a new – strument for imaging with a p- cision suf?cient to delineate single atoms …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods V
The scanning probe microscopy ?eld has been rapidly expanding. It is a demanding task to collect a timely overview of this ?eld with an emphasis on technical dev- opments and industrial applications. …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods VII
The scanning probe microscopy ?eld has been rapidly expanding. It is a demanding task to collect a timely overview of this ?eld with an emphasis on technical dev- opments and industrial applications. …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods VIII
The success of the Springer Series Applied Scanning Probe Methods I–VII and the rapidly expanding activities in scanning probe development and applications worldwide made it a natural step to collect …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods IX
The success of the Springer Series Applied Scanning Probe Methods I–VII and the rapidly expanding activities in scanning probe development and applications worldwide made it a natural step to collect …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods X
The success of the Springer Series Applied Scanning Probe Methods I–VII and the rapidly expanding activities in scanning probe development and applications worldwide made it a natural step to collect …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods XII
Crack initiation and growth are key issues when it comes to the mechanical reliab- ity of microelectronic devices and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Es- cially in organic electronics where ex …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods XIII
The volumes XI, XII and XIII examine the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied scanning probe techniques. The first volume came out in January 2004, the second to fourth vo …
Bharat Bhushan & Harald Fuchs: Applied Scanning Probe Methods I
Examining the physical and technical foundation for recent progress with this technique, Applied Scanning Probe Methods offers a timely and comprehensive overview of SPM applications, now that indust …
Aurelius Augustinus: Selbstgespräche
Harald Fuchs: Der geistige Widerstand gegen Rom in der antiken Welt
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Der geistige Widerstand gegen Rom in der antiken Welt’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Der geistige Widerstand gegen Rom in der antiken Welt wird angeboten von De Gruyter u …
Arno Ruoff: Häufigkeitswörterbuch gesprochener Sprache
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Häufigkeitswörterbuch gesprochener Sprache’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Häufigkeitswörterbuch gesprochener Sprache wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden …
Harald Fuchs & Qingmin Ji: Soft Matters for Catalysts
With the increasing demand for optimization of energy storage, maintenance of the environment, and effective production, control on nanostructures of catalysts and optimization of their organization …
Harald Fuchs & Qingmin Ji: Soft Matters for Catalysts
With the increasing demand for optimization of energy storage, maintenance of the environment, and effective production, control on nanostructures of catalysts and optimization of their organization …
Harald Fuchs: Der geistige Widerstand gegen Rom in der antiken Welt
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, is …
Harald Fuchs: Laila weint nicht mehr
Die Migration aus allen Teilen der Erde ist tagtäglich in allen Medien ein präsentes Thema. Hintergründe, Fluchtursachen, Fluchtwege, Rettungen, politisches Handeln und persönliche Schicksale werden …
Harald Fuchs: Mysterium Kreuzberg
Ein fiktiver Kriminalroman vor den Kulissen von ungelösten Mordfällen, die in ihrer Brutalität bis heute die Gemüter der Menschen in Ostbayern berühren. Sowohl die fünfzehnjährige Christa Mirthes als …
Harald Fuchs: Der Mann im Holzhemd und der kleine Eisbär Flocke
Wahre Erlebnisse aus dem Leben gegriffen in sechzehn jeweils abgeschlossenen Kapiteln Mal humorvoll erzählt, Mal sachlich berichtet. Unterschiedliche Charaktereigenschaften und verschiedene Gefühlswe …