Auteur: Lothar R. Schulz

The author, Lothar R. Schulz, was born in 1967 in a small town of Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, Germany, where he also grew up. After training as a mechanical engineer and subsequently continuing education as a quality manager and technical business economist, he has been working for over 10 years with an international automotive supplier. As an American friend for the « cool way-of-life » and an avid big-twin fan, in 2017, he was drawn to the biggest bike event in the world -Sturgis, South Dakota … The author himself rode a customized 1987 HD Evo and wants to present and an entertaining, informative, as well as tingling travelogue with his « first work », in the language of unmistakable pictures, which should also be fun …!

2 Ebooks par Lothar R. Schulz

Lothar R. Schulz: Our Cool Run to Sturgis 2017
A special kind of travel journal… A German rides to the largest motorcycle party in the world with a 92ci (1500cc) Victory bike and some good American friends from St. Paul (Minnesota) to ‘STURGIS’ …
Lothar R. Schulz: Our Run to Sturgis 2017
Ein Reisebericht der besonderen Art … Ein Deutscher fährt mit einem 1500ccm Victory-Bike und ein paar guten amerikanischen Freunden von St. Paul (Minnesotta) zur größten Motorradparty der Welt nach …