Автор: Lothar R. Schulz

The author, Lothar R. Schulz, was born in 1967 in a small town of Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, Germany, where he also grew up. After training as a mechanical engineer and subsequently continuing education as a quality manager and technical business economist, he has been working for over 10 years with an international automotive supplier. As an American friend for the “cool way-of-life” and an avid big-twin fan, in 2017, he was drawn to the biggest bike event in the world -Sturgis, South Dakota … The author himself rode a customized 1987 HD Evo and wants to present and an entertaining, informative, as well as tingling travelogue with his “first work”, in the language of unmistakable pictures, which should also be fun …!

2 Електронні книги від Lothar R. Schulz

Lothar R. Schulz: Our Cool Run to Sturgis 2017
A special kind of travel journal… A German rides to the largest motorcycle party in the world with a 92ci (1500cc) Victory bike and some good American friends from St. Paul (Minnesota) to ‘STURGIS’ …
Lothar R. Schulz: Our Run to Sturgis 2017
Ein Reisebericht der besonderen Art … Ein Deutscher fährt mit einem 1500ccm Victory-Bike und ein paar guten amerikanischen Freunden von St. Paul (Minnesotta) zur größten Motorradparty der Welt nach …