‘This book reminds me of Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity-astunningly simple idea that changed the course of history. I’veseen The Great Formula create millionaires with surprising speed.It’s an exact recipe to turn a marginal business into a successfulone.’
–David Garfinkel, author, Customers on Demand
‘Mark Joyner has once again succeeded at coming up with anentertaining and educational marketing masterpiece.’
–Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian, infopreneur and heart surgeon
‘With all the fancy buzzwords used to describe how to achievesuccess, here is a commonsense formula that cuts through thechatter and goes straight to the heart of what really works. Thisis truly a new perspective.’
–Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, Blu Blocker Corporation
‘Save yourself a couple hundred thousand dollars on that degree.Clear out your bookcase. The MBA curriculum for this generation is The Irresistible Offer and The Great Formula.’
–Lou D’Alo, Power Up! Coaching and Consulting
Table des matières
Chapter 1. Introduction: Hx2+O.
Chapter 2. ‘I Get 1, 000 Channels of TV and Most of It’s Crap’.
Chapter 3. Chunking.
Chapter 4. The Great Chunkula.
Chapter 5. The Great Formula.
Chapter 6. Why The Great Formula Works.
Chapter 7. The Great Formula Step 1: Create The Irresistible Offer.
Chapter 8. The Great Formula Step 2: Present it to a Thirsty Crowd.
Chapter 9. The Great Formula Step 3: Sell Them a 2nd Glass.
Chapter 10. In Search of the Thirsty Crowd.
Chapter 11. 2nd Glass Tactics.
Chapter 12. The Great Formula in History.
Chapter 13. Mad Scientists Using The Great Formula.
A propos de l’auteur
MARK JOYNER is a leading authority on Internet marketing. As the former CEO of Aesop Marketing Corporation, he pioneered many of the biggest trends on the Internet today. He is also the author of The Irresistible Offer, from Wiley.