A true landmark publication, Advances in Fisheries Economics brings
together many of the world’s leading fisheries economists to
authoritatively cover the many issues facing the field of fisheries
economics and management today.
Compiled in honour of the work and achievements of Professor
Gordon Munro of the University of British Columbia, Canada, this
exceptional volume of research serves as both a valuable reference
tool and fitting tribute to a man whose work has shaped the
Divided into four sections, the text includes coverage of:
* Property Rights and Fisheries Management
* Capital Theory and Natural Resources
* Game Theory and International Fisheries
* Applied Fisheries Economics and Management
The book is an important addition to the resources of all
fisheries economists, managers, scientists and fish biologists.
Libraries in universities and research establishments where these
subjects are studied and taught should have copies on their
About the Editors
Dr. Trond Bjørndal is Professor of Economics, Centre for
Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and
Business Administration, Bergen, Norway and Director, CEMARE,
University of Portsmouth, England.
Dr. Daniel V. Gordon is Professor of Economics, University of
Calgary, Canada and Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for
Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and
Business Administration, Bergen, Norway
Dr. Ragnar Arnason is Professor of Economics and the Chairman of
the Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland.
Dr. U. Rashid Sumaila is Director of the Fisheries Economics
Research Unit, Fisheries Centre, University of British
Table des matières
Chapter 1: On the Contributions of Professor G.R. Munro to
T. Bjørndal and D.V. Gordon.
Section 1. Property rights and fisheries management.
Chapter 2: Phases in the Evolution of Property in Sea
A. Scott.
Chapter 3: Property Rights Quality and Economic Efficiency of
Fisheries Management Regimes: Some Basic Results.
R. Arnason.
Chapter 4: How to Resolve the Class II Common Property Problem?
The Case of the British Columbia’s Multi-Species Groundfish
Trawl Fishery.
R.Q. Grafton, H.W. Nelson and B. Turris.
Chapter 5: Auctions of IFQs as a Means to Share the Rent.
D.D. Huppert.
Chapter 6: Shadow Prices for Fishing Quota: Fishing with
D. Dupont and D.V. Gordon.
Section 2. Capital theory and natural resources.
Chapter 7: Rational Expectations and Fisheries Management.
C.W. Clark.
Chapter 8: Linking Natural Capital and Physical Capital: A
Review of Renewable Resource Investment Models.
A. Charles.
Chapter 9: Fisheries Management with Stock Uncertainty and
Costly Capital Adjustment.
M. Doyle, R. Singh and Q. Weninger.
Section 3. Game theory and international fisheries.
Chapter 10: The Incomplete Information Stochastic Split-Stream
Model: An Overview.
R. Mc Kelvey, P.V. Golubtsov, G. Cripe and K.A. Miller.
Chapter 11: Coalition Games in Fisheries Economics.
M. Lindroos, L.G. Kronbak and V. Kaitala.
Chapter 12: Incentive Compatibility of Fish-Sharing
R. Hannesson.
Chapter 13: Fish Stew: Uncertainty, Conflicting Interests and
Climate Regime Shifts.
K.A. Miller.
Chapter 14: A Dynamic Game on Renewable Natural Resource
Exploitation and Markov Perfect Equilibrium.
S. Kobayashi.
Section 4. Applied fisheries economics and management.
Chapter 15: The Role of the Fishing Industry in the Icelandic
S. Agnarson and R. Arnason.
Chapter 16: Factor Use and Productivity Change in a Rights-Based
B.M.H. Sharp and C. Batstone.
Chapter 17: Scientific Uncertainty and Fisheries Management.
W.E. Schrank and G. Pontecorvo.
Chapter 18: Spatial-Temporal Stock Assessment Analysis with
Application to the Scotia-Fundy Herring Fishery.
D.E. Lane
A propos de l’auteur
About the Editors
Dr. Trond Bjørndal is Professor of Economics, Centre for
Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and
Business Administration, Bergen, Norway and Director, CEMARE,
University of Portsmouth, England.
Dr. Daniel V. Gordon is Professor of Economics, University of
Calgary, Canada and Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for
Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and
Business Administration, Bergen, Norway
Dr. Ragnar Arnason is Professor of Economics and the Chairman of
the Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland.
Dr. U. Rashid Sumaila is Director of the Fisheries Economics
Research Unit, Fisheries Centre, University of British