Publius is best known for his writing of The Federalist Papers, a series of 85 essays which
promoted the ratification of the Constitution of the United States between October 1787 and
May 1788, published in various New York state newspapers of the time. Although he has not
published anything new until now, with the sagacity and perspective he has gained as he
approaches his three hundredth birthday, Publius has decided that our current political crisis
requires careful review and thought about the leading contenders for the presidency in 2024.
Accordingly , Publius has spent more than two years reviewing all the speeches, writings,
tweets, press releases, rallies, and utterances of the 45th and 46th US Presidents, including a
complete review of classified documents stored in the bathroom at Mar-a-Lago. From this
exhaustive review, Publius has compiled comprehensive lists of the learned and insightful
thoughts from these men who are indisputably the two greatest Americans of the current time,
and perhaps the greatest since the Founding Fathers. Now available for the first time to the
general public, Publius’ two groundbreaking companion books, The Wit and Wisdom of Donald
Trump and The Wit and Wisdom of Joseph Biden, should be read by everyone as they consider
their vote in 2024