In more than forty years of ministry, Harold Percy has sought to waken a slumbering church by reminding it of its true calling—to imaginative evangelism, faithful discipleship, and innovative leadership. As a priest in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, and as founding Director of the Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism, Harold has challenged and encouraged leaders in a range of denominations across Canada through articles and books, conferences and workshops. This books engages in lively dialogue with Harold’s many contributions to the life of the church today, with chapters on leadership, discipleship, spirituality, congregational ministry, and missional outreach from eighteen pastoral practitioners, all of whom continue to expand on his unique legacy in the service of Christ.
About the author
G. F. Hurlburt Chair and Professor of Preaching
Michael P Knowles was Assistant Director of the Institute of Evangelism from 1993 till 1997, and wrote the study guides for Following Jesus: First steps on the Way and Good News People. He is currently Professor of Preaching at Mc Master Divinity College in Hamilton Ontario and G. F. Hurlburt Chair. He was editor of (The Folly of Preaching: Models and Methods; Eerdmans, 2007) and other publications include Jeremiah in Matthew’s Gospel: The Rejected-Prophet Motif in Matthaean Redaction (JSOT, 1993), We Preach Not Ourselves: Paul on Preaching (Brazos, 2008), and The Unfolding Mystery of the Divine Name: The God of Sinai in Our Midst (IVP Academic, 2012).