This book brings together contributions from the leaders of the language learning motivation field. The varied chapters demonstrate how Gardner’s work remains integral to a diverse range of contemporary theoretical issues underlying the psychology of language, even today, 60 years after the publication of Gardner and Lambert’s seminal 1959 paper. The chapters cover a wide selection of topics related to applied linguistics, second language acquisition, social psychology, sociology, methodology and historical issues. The book advances thinking on cutting-edge topics in these diverse areas, providing a wealth of information for both students and established scholars that show the continuing and future importance of Gardner and Lambert’s ideas.
Zoltán Dörnyei
Integrative Motivation: Sixty Years and Counting
Ali H. Al-Hoorie and Peter D. Mac Intyre
Looking Back and Looking Forward
Robert C. Gardner
Part I: Second Language Development / Applied Linguistics
Chapter 1. James P. Lantolf and Merrill Swain: Perezhivanie: The Cognitive–Emotional Dialectic Within the Social Situation of Development
Chapter 2. Tammy Gregersen, Peter D. Mac Intyre and Jessica Ross: Extending Gardner’s Socio-Educational Model to Learner Well-being: Research Propositions Linking Integrative Motivation and PERMA theory
Chapter 3. Mercè Bernaus: Teachers’ and Learners’ Motivation in Multilingual Classrooms
Chapter 4. Peter D. Mac Intyre, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Nicole Mac Millan and Chengchen Li: The Emotional Underpinnings of Gardner’s Attitudes and Motivation Test Battery
Part II: Social Psychology / Sociology
Chapter 5. Sara Rubenfeld and Richard Clément : Identity, Adaptation and Social Harmony: A Legacy of the Socio-Educational Model
Chapter 6. Jorida Cila and Richard Lalonde: What’s in a Name? Motivations for Baby-naming in Multicultural Contexts
Chapter 7. Bonny Norton: Motivation, Identity, and Investment: A Journey with Robert Gardner
Part III: Historical / Methodological Issues
Chapter 8. Rebecca L. Oxford: Snapshots in Time: Time in Gardner’s Theory and Gardner’s Theory across Time
Chapter 9. Ema Ushioda: Researching L2 Motivation: Re-evaluating the Role of Qualitative Inquiry, or the ‘Wine and Conversation’ Approach
Chapter 10. Paul F. Tremblay: Quantitative Methods in Second Language Learning Motivation Research: Gardner’s Contributions and Some New Developments
Chapter 11. Jennifer Claro : Identification with External and Internal Referents: Integrativeness and the Ideal L2 Self
Chapter 12. John Edwards: History, Philosophy and the Social Psychology of Language
Part IV: Discussants
Chapter 13. Phil Hiver and Diane Larsen-Freeman: Motivation: It is a Relational System
Chapter 14. Elaine Horwitz: How Robert C. Gardner’s Pioneering Social-Psychological Research Raised New Applied Questions about Second Language Acquisition
Howard Giles
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Peter D. Mac Intyre is Professor of Psychology at Cape Breton University, Canada. He has published over 100 articles, chapters and books within the field of psychology of language and communication and has received awards for teaching excellence (Atlantic Association of Universities), for contributions to the study of language (the Gardner Award and the Mildenberger Prize) and awards for service to students and the community.