Explores the concepts of space and place within composition studies.
The Locations of Composition examines how spaces, places, and locations define, problematize, and shape composition studies. From a wide variety of perspectives, including critical theory, rhetoric, cultural geography, genre theory, postcolonial studies, and media studies, the contributors explore the disciplinary boundaries and authority of composition studies, how teachers of writing can engage students in more place-centered pedagogies, and how compositionists can sort through the often hidden and intricate relationships between and among composition’s places. The book reveals the complex ways that places are central to the field’s history, identity, and ability to move and change.
Christopher J. Keller and Christian R. Weisser
Part I Across the Field
1. The Occupation of Composition
Sidney I. Dobrin
2. Composition and the Gentrification of ‘Public Literacy’
Elizabeth Ervin
3. In Visible Texts: Memory, MOOs, and Momentum: A Meditatio
Cynthia Haynes
4. Invention in the Wild: On Locating Kairos in Space-Time
Thomas Rickert
5. Looking for Location Where It Can’t Be Found: Possibilities for Graduate Pedagogy in Rhetoric and Composition
Peter Vandenberg and Jennifer Clary-Lemon
Part II Inside the Classroom and Beyond
6. Teaching the Capital City
John Ackerman
7. Deep Maps: Teaching Rhetorical Engagement through Place-Conscious Education
Robert Brooke and Jason Mc Intosh
8. Between Perception and Articulation: Imageword and a Compassionate Place
Kristie Fleckenstein
9. The Locations of Usability
Johndan Johnson-Eilola and Stuart Selber
10. From Site to Screen, From Screen to Site: Merging Place-based Pedagogy with Web-based Technology
Tim Lindgren and Derek Owens
Part III Among the Institutions
11. Transferability and Genres
Amy Devitt
12. Relocating Knowledge: The Textual Authority of Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student
Nancy Myers
13. Cultural Geography and Images of Place
Nedra Reynolds
14. Notes toward a Dynamic Theory of Literacy
Christopher Schroeder
15. Shifting Locations, Genres, and Motives: An Activity Theory Analysis of Service-Learning Writing Pedagogies
Tom Deans
List of Contributors
लेखक के बारे में
Christopher J. Keller is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Texas–Pan American and the coeditor (with Sidney I. Dobrin) of Writing Environments, also published by SUNY Press. Christian R. Weisser is Associate Professor of English at Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University. He has published several books, including Natural Discourse: Toward Ecocomposition (coauthored with Sidney I. Dobrin), also published by SUNY Press.