This new and updated second edition of a classic text provides a thought provoking introduction to metadata for all library and information students and professionals.
Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval has been fully revised to bring it up to date with new technologies and standards. It builds on the concept of metadata through an exploration of its purposes and uses as well as considering the main aspects of metadata management. This new edition, containing new chapters on ‘Very Large Data Collections’ and the ‘Politics and Ethics of Metadata’, assesses the current theory and practice of metadata and examines key developments in terms of both policy and technology.
Coverage includes: – defining, describing and expressing metadata – data modelling – metadata and information retrieval – big data, linked data, open data repositories, social media and research data collections – metadata in information governance: compliance, risk and information security – managing intellectual property rights – the politics of metadata: ethics, power and money.
This book is essential reading for library and information students at undergraduate and postgraduate level and will also be useful reading for LIS professionals looking for an accessible introduction to metadata.
1. Introduction
- Overview
- Why metadata?
- Fundamental principles of metadata
- Purposes of metadata
- Why is metadata important?
- Organisation of the book
2. Defining, describing and expressing metadata
- Overview
- Defining metadata
- XML schemas
- Databases of metadata
- Examples of metadata in use
- Conclusion
3. Data modelling
- Overview
- Metadata models
- Unified Modelling Language (UML)
- Resource Description Framework (RDF)
- Dublin Core
- The Library Reference Model (LRM) and the development of RDA
- ABC ontology and the semantic web
- Indecs – Modelling book trade data
- OAIS – Online exchange of data
- Conclusion
4. Metadata Standards
- Overview
- The nature of metadata standards
- About standards
- Dublin Core – a general-purpose standard
- Metadata standards in library and information work
- Social media
- Non-textual materials
- Complex objects
- Conclusion
5. Resource identification and description (Purpose 1)
- Overview
- How do you identify a resource?
- Identifiers
- RFIDs and identification
- Describing resources
- Descriptive metadata
- Conclusion
6. Retrieving information (Purpose 2)
- Overview
- The role of metadata in information retrieval
- Information theory
- Types of information retrieval
- Evaluating retrieval performance
- Retrieval on the internet
- Subject indexing and retrieval
- Metadata and computational models of retrieval
- Conclusion
7. Managing information resources (Purpose 3)
- Overview
- Information lifecycles
- Create or ingest
- Preserve and store
- Distribute and use
- Review and dispose
- Transform
- Conclusion
8. Managing intellectual property rights (Purpose 4)
- Overview
- Rights management
- Provenance
- Conclusion
9. Supporting e-commerce and e-government (Purpose 5)
- Overview
- Electronic transactions
- E-commerce
- Online behavioural advertising
- Indecs and ONIX
- Publishing and the book trade
- E-government
- Conclusion
10. Information governance (Purpose 6)
- Overview
- Governance and risk
- Information governance
- Compliance (freedom of information and data protection)
- E-discovery (legal admissibility)
- Information risk, information security and disaster recovery
- Sectoral compliance
- Conclusion
11. Managing metadata
- Overview
- Metadata is an information resource
- Workflow and metadata lifecycle
- Project approach
- Application profiles
- Interoperability of metadata
- Quality considerations
- Metadata security
- Conclusion
12. Taxonomies and encoding schemes
- Overview
- Role of taxonomies in metadata
- Encoding and maintenance of controlled vocabularies
- Thesauri and taxonomies
- Content rules – authority files
- Ontologies
- Social tagging and folksonomies
- Conclusion
13. Very large data collections
- Overview
- The move towards big data
- What is big data?
- The role of linked data in open data repositories
- Data in an organisational context
- Social media, web transactions and online behavioural advertising
- Research data collections
- Conclusion
14. Politics and ethics of metadata
- Overview
- Ethics
- Power
- Money
- Re-examining the purposes of metadata
- Managing metadata itself
- Conclusion
लेखक के बारे में
David Haynes Ph D MBCS FCLIP conducts research into Privacy and Metadata at the Department of Library and Information Science at City, University of London. He is also an Honorary Tutor at the Centre for Archives and Information Studies (CAIS) at the University of Dundee where he specialises in Metadata and Taxonomies. He has been involved in library and information consultancy and research for more than 35 years during which time he has worked on information retrieval, information policy and information governance issues, latterly specialising in privacy and data protection. He is Chair of the UK Chapter of ISKO, the International Society for Knowledge Organization.