We are not meant to live safe, happy, successful Christian lives. Jesus calls us to something more. Don't settle for a life that will soon be forgotten. Mission is not just something for ‘them, ‘ somewhere over ‘there.’ Mission is for us, here and now.Don Everts invites you to get caught up in God's mission in this world. He shows what it means to be a missional Christian, to have eyes that see, hands that serve and feet that go. Bringing together personal evangelism, urban witnes...
Introduction: Missional Is Not a Word
Part One: Anatomy
1. Sober Eyes
2. Servant Hands
3. Ready Feet
4. Compassionate Heart
5. Joyful Soul
Part Two: Geography
लेखक के बारे में
Don Everts is the senior pastor of First and Calvary Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Missouri, and is a writer for Lutheran Hour Ministries and the Hopeful Neig...