We are not meant to live safe, happy, successful Christian lives. Jesus calls us to something more. Don't settle for a life that will soon be forgotten. Mission is not just something for ‘them, ‘ somewhere over ‘there.’ Mission is for us, here and now.Don Everts invites you to get caught up in God's mission in this world. He shows what it means to be a missional Christian, to have eyes that see, hands that serve and feet that go. Bringing together personal evangelism, urban witness and global crosscultural mission, Everts shows how you can live your life on mission—whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you go.Get a glimpse of the vision. See what Jesus is doing. And go and do likewise.
Introduction: Missional Is Not a Word
Part One: Anatomy
1. Sober Eyes
2. Servant Hands
3. Ready Feet
4. Compassionate Heart
5. Joyful Soul
Part Two: Geography
6. Purposeful Family
7. Relational Evangelism
8. Thriving Church
9. Urban Mercy
10. Global Partnerships
Conclusion: The Missional Motivation
Discussion Question
Recommended Reading
Про автора
Don Everts is the senior pastor of First and Calvary Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Missouri, and is a writer for Lutheran Hour Ministries and the Hopeful Neighborhood Project. Don has spent almost three decades helping people on college campuses and in the local church become good stewards of their God-given gifts. Along the way, his wife, Wendy, has been helping Don do the same. His many books include The Reluctant Witness, The Spiritually Vibrant Home, and The Hopeful Neighborhood, all of which feature original research from Barna and biblical insights for our everyday lives.