A state-of-the-art psychological perspective on team working and collaborative organizational processes
This handbook makes a unique contribution to organizational psychology and HRM by providing comprehensive international coverage of the contemporary field of team working and collaborative organizational processes. It provides critical reviews of key topics related to teams including design, diversity, leadership, trust processes and performance measurement, drawing on the work of leading thinkers including Linda Argote, Neal Ashkanasy, Robert Kraut, Floor Rink and Daan van Knippenberg.
About the Editors vii
About the Contributors ix
Foreword xvii
Series Preface xix
Supported Charity: Railway Children xxi
Introduction 1
1 The Psychology of Teamwork and Collaborative Processes 3
Eduardo Salas, Ramón Rico, and Jonathan Passmore
Part I Overview of Team Effectiveness 13
2 Factors that Influence Teamwork 15
Julie V. Dinh and Eduardo Salas
3 Team Performance in Knowledge Work 43
Daniel J. Slyngstad, Gia De Michele, and Maritza R. Salazar
4 Transnational Team Effectiveness 73
Dana Verhoeven, Tiffany Cooper, Michelle Flynn, and Marissa L. Shuffler
Part II Antecedents to Team Effectiveness 103
5 Team Design 105
John L. Cordery and Amy W. Tian
6 Team Composition 129
Mikhail A. Wolfson and John E. Mathieu
7 Team Diversity 151
Bertolt Meyer
8 Change in Organizational Work Teams 177
Floor Rink, Aimée A. Kane, Naomi Ellemers, and Gerben van der Vegt
9 Status Effects on Teams 195
Kun Luan, Qiong‐Jing Hu, and Xiao‐Yun Xie
10 Cross‐Cultural Teams 219
Ningyu Tang and Yumei Wang
Part III Team Effectiveness: Processes, Emerging States and Mediators 243
11 Teamwork Processes and Emergent States 245
Rebecca Grossman, Sarit B. Friedman, and Suman Kalra
12 Team Decision Making 271
Tom W. Reader
13 Teamwork under Stress 297
Aaron S. Dietz, James E. Driskell, Mary Jane Sierra, Sallie J. Weaver, Tripp Driskell, and Eduardo Salas
14 Conflict in Teams 317
Lindred L. Greer and Jennifer E. Dannals
15 Team Leadership 345
Daan van Knippenberg
16 Team Cognition: Team Mental Models and Situation Awareness 369
Susan Mohammed, Katherine Hamilton, Miriam Sánchez‐Manzanares, and Ramón Rico
17 Team Trust 393
Ana Cristina Costa, and Neil Anderson
18 Psychological Contracts in Teams 417
Carlos‐María Alcover, Ramón Rico, William H. Turnley, and Mark C. Bolino
19 Affect and Creativity in Work Teams 441
March L. To, Neal M. Ashkanasy, and Cynthia D. Fisher
20 Team Reflexivity and Innovation 459
Michaéla C. Schippers, Michael A. West, and Amy C. Edmondson
Part IV Team Effectiveness Tools and Outputs 479
21 Team Performance Measurement 481
Michael A. Rosen and Aaron S. Dietz
22 Developing and Managing Teams 503
Charles P. R. Scott and Jessica L. Wildman
23 Team Performance in Extreme Environments 531
William B. Vessey and Lauren B. Landon
24 Team Development Interventions 555
Deborah Diaz Granados, Marissa L. Shuffler, Jesse A. Wingate, and Eduardo Salas
Part V The Future of Teams 587
25 The Future of Teams 589
Michael A. West
Index 597
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Eduardo Salas is Allyn R. & Gladys M. Cline Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychological Sciences at Rice University. Dr. Salas’ research interests are in uncovering what facilitates teamwork and team effectiveness in organizations; how and why does team training work; how to optimize simulation-based training; how to create a culture of safety; how to design, implement and evaluate training & development systems and in generating evidence-based guidance for those in practice. He has co-authored over 450 journal articles and book chapters, has co-edited 35 books an authored a book on team training.
Ramón Rico is an associate professor of Management and Organizations at the University of Western Australia (Australia). His expertise interlocks organizational behavior, social psychology and team science. His research currently focuses on the role of team cognition and team coordination processes on both, team and leadership adaptation; team diversity management; and the coordinative and motivational bases of effective multiteam systems.
Jonathan Passmore (Series Editor) is the Professor of Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School, University of Reading and a professor of psychology at the University of Evora, Portugal. He is a chartered psychologist, holds five degrees, and has an international reputation for his work in coaching and leadership, including being listed by Thinkers50 as one of the top 10 coaches in the world. He has published widely books on the themes of leadership, personal development and change, and served as editor for the Association for Coaching book series. He speaks widely at conferences across the world and has published over 100 journal papers and book chapters.