- Reviews advances in understanding and improving the welfare of dairy cattle;
- Summarises current research on rumen biology, digestion and ways of optimising nutrition of dairy cattle from grazing to feed and feed supplements;
- Discusses latest developments in maintaining the health of dairy cattle, including the genetics of disease resistance and dairy herd health management
Part 1 Welfare of dairy cattle
1.Understanding the behaviour of dairy cattle: C. J. C. Phillips, University of Queensland, Australia;
2.Key issues in the welfare of dairy cattle: Jan Hultgren, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden;
3.Housing and the welfare of dairy cattle: Jeffrey Rushen, University of British Columbia, Canada;
4.Genetic selection for dairy cow welfare and resilience to climate change: Jennie E. Pryce, Agriculture Victoria and La Trobe University, Australia; and Yvette de Haas, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands;
5.Ensuring the welfare of culled dairy cows during transport and slaughter: Carmen Gallo and Ana Strappini, Animal Welfare Programme, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile;
6.Ensuring the health and welfare of dairy calves and heifers: Emily Miller-Cushon, University of Florida, USA; Ken Leslie and Trevor De Vries, University of Guelph, Canada;
Part 2 Nutrition of dairy cattle
7.The rumen microbiota and its role in dairy cow production and health: Anusha Bulumulla, Mi Zhou and Le Luo Guan, University of Alberta, Canada;
8.Biochemical and physiological determinants of feed efficiency in dairy cattle: John Mc Namara, Washington State University, USA;
9.Feed evaluation and formulation to maximise nutritional efficiency in dairy cattle: Pekka Huhtanen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden;
10.Sustainable nutrition management of dairy cattle in intensive systems: Michel A. Wattiaux, Matias A. Aguerre and Sanjeewa D. Ranathunga, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA;
11.Nutrition management of grazing dairy cows in temperate environments: J. R. Roche, Dairy NZ, New Zealand;
12.The use and abuse of cereals, legumes and crop residues in rations for dairy cattle: Michael Blümmel, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia; A. Muller, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Fi BL), and ETH Zürich Switzerland; C. Schader, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Fi BL), Switzerland; M. Herrero, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia; and M. R. Garg, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), India;
13.Feed supplements for dairy cattle: C. Jamie Newbold, Aberystwyth University, UK;
Part 3 Health of dairy cattle
14.Disorder of digestion and metabolism in dairy cattle: the case of subacute rumen acidosis: Gregory B. Penner, University of Saskatchewan, Canada;
15.Management of dairy cows in transition and at calving: Kenneth Nordlund, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA;
16.Causes, prevention and management of infertility in dairy cows: Alexander C. O. Evans, University College Dublin, Ireland; and Shenming Zeng, China Agriculture University, China;
17.Aetiology, diagnosis and control of mastitis in dairy herds P. Moroni, Cornell University, USA and Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy; F. Welcome, Cornell University, USA; and M.F. Addis, Porto Conte Ricerche, Italy
18.Preventing and managing lameness in dairy cows: Nick Bell, The Royal Veterinary College, UK;
19.Control of infectious diseases in dairy cattle: Wendela Wapenaar, Simon Archer and John Remnant, University of Nottingham, UK; and Alan Murphy, Minster Veterinary Practice, UK;
20.Prevention and control of parasitic helminths in dairy cattle: key issues and challenges: Jacqueline B. Matthews, Moredun Research Institute, UK;
21.Genetic variation in immunity and disease resistance in dairy cows and other livestock: Michael Stear, Karen Fairlie-Clarke, and Nicholas Jonsson, University of Glasgow, UK; Bonnie Mallard, University of Guelph, Canada; and David Groth, Curtin University, Australia;
22.Responsible and sustainable use of medicines in dairy herd health: David C. Barrett, Kristen K. Reyher, Andrea Turner and David A. Tisdall, University of Bristol, UK;
23.Dairy herd health management: an overview: Jonathan Statham, Bishopton Veterinary Group and RAFT Solutions Ltd., UK;
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John Mc Namara is an Emeritus Professor at Washington State University and a Fellow of ADSA and ASAS. His foundational research helped determine the quantitative contribution of specific pathways and enzymes to the efficiency of the cow. This research has discovered key elements of transcriptional control of metabolism, led to expansion of systems models in research and the specific mechanisms of integration of nutritional metabolism and reproduction. He has been recognized as a world leader in systems biology and has given invited lectures in more than a dozen countries. He continues to focus on integrating genetics, nutrition and reproduction in mathematical models of the cow. He has served on the NC 185, 1009, and 1040 research committees for 25 years and has written 3 revisions of that project. He has advised the WSU Cooperative University Dairy Students for the last 17 years. He has served on several editorial boards and 4 terms as an Editor of The Journal of Dairy Science and is presently Special Editor of the Special 100th Anniversary Issue of The Journal. He has procured more than $3 M in research and teaching support; mentored several graduate students, hundreds of undergraduate students, and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed research papers, proceedings and invited talks. Dr. Mc Namara was the first recipient of the WSU College of Agriculture and Home Economics Excellence in Research Award; also Excellence in Advising (2005); ADSA Young Scientist Award (1992); Higher Education Teacher of the Year Award (2001) from the Washington Science Teachers Association and the Corbin Award Companion Animal Biology from ASAS (2007), and was the inaugural recipient of the Jane Parker Excellence in Advising award from WSU. In 2015 he received the Zoetis Physiology Award as one of the most prestigious recognitions for scientific achievement in Dairy Science.