Jadual kandungan
Part 1 Welfare of dairy cattle
1.Understanding the behaviour of dairy cattle: C. J. C. Phillips, University of Queensland, Australia;
2.Key issues in the welfare of dairy cattle: Jan Hultgren, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden;
3.Housing and the welfare of dairy cattle: Jeffrey Rushen, University of British Columbia, Canada;
4.Genetic selection for dairy cow welfare and resilience to climate change: Jennie E. Pryce, Agriculture Victoria and La Trobe University, Australia; and Yvette de Haas, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands;
5.Ensuring the welfare of culled dairy cows during transport and slaughter: Carmen Gallo and Ana Strappini, Animal Welfare Programme, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile;
6.Ensuring the health and welfare of dairy calves and heifers: Emily Miller-Cushon, University of Florida, USA; Ken Leslie and Trevor De Vries, University of Guelph, Canada;
Part 2 Nutrition of dairy cattle
7.The rumen microbiota and its role in dairy cow production and health: Anusha Bulumulla, Mi Zhou and Le Luo Guan, University of Alberta, Canada;
8.Biochemical and physiological determinants of feed efficiency in dairy cattle: John Mc Namara, Washington State University, USA;
9.Feed evaluation and formulation to maximise nutritional efficiency in dairy cattle: Pekka Huhtanen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden;
10.Sustainable nutrition management of dairy cattle in intensive systems: Michel A. Wattiaux, Matias A. Aguerre and Sanjeewa D. Ranathunga, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA;
11.Nutrition management of grazing dairy cows in temperate environments: J. R. Roche, Dairy NZ, New Zealand;
12.The use and abuse of cereals, legumes and crop residues in rations for dairy cattle: Michael Blümmel, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia; A. Muller, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Fi BL), and ETH Zürich Switzerland; C. Schader, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Fi BL), Switzerland; M. Herrero, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia; and M. R. Garg, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), India;
13.Feed supplements for dairy cattle: C. Jamie Newbold, Aberystwyth University, UK;
Part 3 Health of dairy cattle
14.Disorder of digestion and metabolism in dairy cattle: the case of subacute rumen acidosis: Gregory B. Penner, University of Saskatchewan, Canada;
15.Management of dairy cows in transition and at calving: Kenneth Nordlund, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA;
16.Causes, prevention and management of infertility in dairy cows: Alexander C. O. Evans, University College Dublin, Ireland; and Shenming Zeng, China Agriculture University, China;
17.Aetiology, diagnosis and control of mastitis in dairy herds P. Moroni, Cornell University, USA and Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy; F. Welcome, Cornell University, USA; and M.F. Addis, Porto Conte Ricerche, Italy
18.Preventing and managing lameness in dairy cows: Nick Bell, The Royal Veterinary College, UK;
19.Control of infectious diseases in dairy cattle: Wendela Wapenaar, Simon Archer and John Remnant, University of Nottingham, UK; and Alan Murphy, Minster Veterinary Practice, UK;
20.Prevention and control of parasitic helminths in dairy cattle: key issues and challenges: Jacqueline B. Matthews, Moredun Research Institute, UK;
21.Genetic variation in immunity and disease resistance in dairy cows and other livestock: Michael Stear, Karen Fairlie-Clarke, and Nicholas Jonsson, University of Glasgow, UK; Bonnie Mallard, University of Guelph, Canada; and David Groth, Curtin University, Australia;
22.Responsible and sustainable use of medicines in dairy herd health: David C. Barrett, Kristen K. Reyher, Andrea Turner and David A. Tisdall, University of Bristol, UK;
23.Dairy herd health management: an overview: Jonathan Statham, Bishopton Veterinary Group and RAFT Solutions Ltd., UK;