The case studies in this book are based on transcripts of classroom interaction in nine different countries. In each chapter, the first author explains the specific context and through a theoretical and/or experiential perspective interprets the transcript data. The data are then re-interpreted by other authors in the book, illustrating the complexity and richness of interpretation and creating a dialogue among the book’s contributors. At the end of each chapter, readers are then invited with assistance to join in the conversation by providing their own interpretations of other transcript data from the same context. The book will be useful for student teachers or practicing professionals, as well as all educators interested in exploratory classroom research.
Transcript Conventions
Foreword – Viv Edwards
Introduction – Roger Barnard, María E. Torres-Guzmán and John F. Fanselow
1. Under the Interactional Umbrella: Presentation and Collaboration in Japanese Classroom Discourse – Take 1 – Fred E. Anderson; Take 2 – Sylvia Wolfe
2. Teaching Content, Learning Language: Socialising ESL Students into Classroom Practices in Australia – Take 1 – Rhonda Oliver; Take 2 – James Mc Lellan
3. Socialisation and ‘Safetalk’ in Upper Primary English Language Classroom in Brunei Darussalem – Take 1 – James Mc Lellan and Pearl Chua-Wong Swee-Hui; Take 2 – María E. Torres-Guzmán
4. Negotiating Appropriateness in the Second Language in a Dual Language Education Classroom Setting in New York – Take 1 – María E. Torres-Guzmán; Take 2 – Vijay Kumar and Wong Bee Eng
5. Interaction in a Taiwanese Primary School English Classroom – Take 1 – Ching-Yi Tien and Roger Barnard; Take 2 – Fred E. Anderson
6. Learning through Dialogue in a Primary School Classroom in England – Take 1 – Sylvia Wolfe; Take 2 – Ching-Yi Tien and María E. Torres-Guzmán
7. Constructing Meaning in a Bilingual Learning Environment: Two Primary Classrooms in Malaysia – Take 1 – Wong Bee Eng and Vijay Kumar; Take 2 – Roger Barnard
8. Creating a Community of Learning in a New Zealand Primary School Classroom – Take 1 – Roger Barnard; Take 2 – James Mc Lellan
9. Language Socialization in a Canadian Secondary School Course: Talking About Current Events – Take 1 – Patricia A. Duff; Take 2 – Rhonda Oliver
Afterword – John F. Fanselow
लेखक के बारे में
Roger Barnard is a Research Associate in the Division of Education at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. His research interests include second language education and language policy. His most recent book is Narratives of Qualitative Ph D Research: Identities, Languages and Cultures in Transition (co-edited with Y. Gurney and Y Wang. Routledge, 2023).