Building Language using LEGO® Bricks is a flexible and powerful intervention tool designed to aid children with severe receptive and expressive language disorders, often related to autism and other special educational needs.
This practical manual equips you for setting up and adapting your own successful sessions. Downloadable resources enable you to chart progress in the following key areas:
– The use of receptive and expressive language
– The use and understanding of challengi...
Daftar Isi
Acknowledgements. Foreword by Gina Gomez De La Cuesta. Preface. 1. What are Autism and Language Impairments?. 2. Building Language using LEGO® Bricks and LEGO® Therapy (L...
Tentang Penulis
Gina Gómez de la Cuesta completed her Ph D in 2008 at the Cambridge University Autism Research Centre, running and evaluating LEGO® therapy under the supervision of ...