Building Language using LEGO® Bricks is a flexible and powerful intervention tool designed to aid children with severe receptive and expressive language disorders, often related to autism and other special educational needs.
This practical manual equips you for setting up and adapting your own successful sessions. Downloadable resources enable you to chart progress in the following key areas:
– The use of receptive and expressive language
– The use and understanding of challenging concepts
– Joint attention
– Social communication
Help children with complex needs to communicate with this unique tool, derived from the highly effective LEGO®-Based Therapy.
Acknowledgements. Foreword by Gina Gomez De La Cuesta. Preface. 1. What are Autism and Language Impairments?. 2. Building Language using LEGO® Bricks and LEGO® Therapy (Le Goff 2004). 3. Aims. 4. Why Building Language using LEGO® Bricks Works. 5. Starting Off. 6. Progressing Skills: The Role of the Facilitator. 7. Guidelines for Setting Up and Running Building Language using LEGO® Bricks. 8. Measuring Outcomes. 9. Examples of Cases. Resource Appendix.
Gina Gómez de la Cuesta completed her Ph D in 2008 at the Cambridge University Autism Research Centre, running and evaluating LEGO® therapy under the supervision of Daniel Le Goff, Simon Baron-Cohen and Ayla Humphrey. She is a trained teacher and has worked at the National Autistic Society as Action Research Leader. She runs training for professionals interested in LEGO® Therapy when she can and has run LEGO® Clubs in schools and clinical settings. She is now in her second year of Clinical Psychology training at the University of East Anglia.