Daftar Isi
Author biographies
Part I Background information
1 General introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Background
1.1.2 Freshwater accessibility
1.1.3 Energy accessibility
1.1.4 Merit of the nexus
1.2 Summary
Part II Understanding water treatment techniques
2 Water treatment techniques
2.1 Wastewater treatment and water reuse technology
2.1.1 Comparative benefits of wastewater treatment techniques
2.2 Desalination: overview, methods, and configurations
2.2.1 Humidification-dehumidification technique
2.2.2 Multi-stage flash technique
2.2.3 Vapour compressor distillation technique
2.2.4 Multi-effect distillation
2.2.5 Electrodialysis and electrodialysis reversal methods
2.2.6 Capacitive deionisation method technique
2.2.7 Membrane distillation technique
2.2.8 Reverse osmosis technique
2.2.9 Forward osmosis technique
2.2.10 Nanofiltration
2.2.11 Freezing desalination
2.3 Summary
Part III Optimisation of the desalination system with renewable energy sources
3 Potential of renewable energy sources for desalination and water reuse
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Geothermal energy potential for desalination
3.3 Ocean energy potential for desalination
3.3.1 Ocean thermal energy
3.3.2 Ocean mechanical energy (wave, tidal, and current energy)
3.3.3 Ocean chemical energy (salinity gradient energy)
3.4 Wind energy potential for desalination
3.5 Solar energy potential for desalination
3.5.1 Solar thermal-powered desalination
3.5.2 PV-powered desalination
3.6 Hybrid RES for desalination
3.7 Summary
4 Modelling and simulation in energy and water systems: advancements and challenges
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Energy modelling and simulation
4.1.2 Water modelling and simulation
4.1.3 Integrated energy-water modelling and simulation
4.2 Optimisation of renewable energy source—reverse osmosis desalination system
4.2.1 System sizing optimisation
4.2.2 Operational optimisation and control
4.3 Research output and trend
4.3.1 Economic feasibility of renewable energy source—integrated desalination system
4.3.2 Modelling and simulation of renewable energy source—power RO desalination system
4.3.3 Design and exergy analysis of solar-powered desalination unit
4.3.4 Optimisation of PV-RO technology
4.4 Summary
Part IV Techno-economic and environmental consideration
5 Demand-side management: a tool for energy-water efficient management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Understanding DSM
5.2.1 Definition and concepts of DSM
5.2.2 Types of DR programmes
5.3 Importance and benefits of DSM in energy and water systems
5.3.1 Role of DSM in sustainable resource management
5.4 DSM in energy systems
5.4.1 Energy efficiency initiatives and programmes
5.4.2 Peak load shifting strategies and To U pricing
5.4.3 DR and load curtailment techniques
5.4.4 Integrating renewable energy and DSM
5.4.5 Case studies of successful implementation of DSM in energy systems
5.5 DSM in water systems
5.5.1 Demand management strategies in the water industry
5.5.2 Water conservation programmes and water-efficient technologies
5.5.3 Sustainable agricultural practises and water use
5.5.4 Smart water metres and consumer engagement
5.5.5 Water pricing policies and water use efficiency
5.5.6 Case studies of effective DSM in water systems
5.6 The energy-water nexus: interdependencies and challenges
5.6.1 Understanding the complex relationship between energy and water
5.6.2 Water use in energy production: power generation, fossil fuels, and hydropower
5.6.3 Energy use in water systems: water extraction, treatment, and distribution
5.6.4 Impacts of climate change on the energy-water nexus
5.6.5 Policy and management challenges in addressing the nexus
5.7 Integrated approaches to energy-water nexus management
5.7.1 Coordinated strategies for sustainable resource management
5.7.2 Synergies and trade-offs in DSM in energy and water sectors
5.7.3 Case studies of integrated approaches to the energy-water nexus
5.8 Future trends and opportunities
5.8.1 Emerging technologies and innovations in DSM
5.8.2 Policy recommendations for energy-water nexus DSM
5.8.3 Advancing research and knowledge gaps
5.9 Summary
6 Techno-economic evaluation of desalination systems
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The effect of DR on the energy mix of the desalination system
6.2.1 Energy supply and demand modelling
6.2.2 Desalination plant energy demand
6.2.3 DR model
6.2.4 Optimisation model
6.2.5 Case study
6.2.6 Results and discussion
6.3 Effect emission cost on water desalination
6.3.1 Case study 2
6.3.2 The economic impact of global warming
6.3.3 Optimisation model
6.4 Results and discussion
6.4.1 Sensitivity analysis
6.5 Summary
7 Optimal design and evaluation of combined desalination and brine treatment units
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Environmental impacts and management of brine
7.2 Case study 1: hybridisation of RO-ED-CRY
7.2.1 System architecture
7.2.2 Energy source model
7.2.3 Desalination and brine management energy demand model
7.2.4 Optimisation problem formulation
7.2.5 Results and discussion
7.3 Summary
7.4 Case study 2: hybrid PRO-RO desalination system using brine for salinity gradient energy production
7.4.1 System architecture
7.4.2 System cost model
7.4.3 Salinity gradient energy
7.4.4 Optimisation problem formulation
7.4.5 Results and discussion
7.5 Summary
8 Conclusion
8.1 Conclusion
8.2 Future outlook
8.3 Challenges faced by energy-water system optimisation
8.4 Policy framework for a sustainable energy-water nexus