Practicing Narrative Mediation provides mediation
practitioners with practical narrative approaches that can be
applied to a wide variety of conflict
resolution situations. Written by John Winslade and Gerald
Monk–leaders in the narrative therapy movement–the book
contains suggestions and illustrative examples for applying the
proven narrative technique when working with restorative
conferencing and mediation in organizations, schools, health care,
divorce cases, employer...
Daftar Isi
Preface vii
1 How to Work with Conflict Stories: Nine Hallmarks of Narrative Mediation 1
2 Negotiating Discursive Positions 40
3 Tracing Discursive Positioning Through...
Tentang Penulis
John Winslade and Gerald Monk are leading figures in the narrative therapy movement and authors of basic works in the field, Narrative Mediation and Nar...