With constant strains on the eyes from use of computers, devices and the ordinary stresses of modern life, the Bates method is more relevant than ever. In Improve Your Eyesight Jonathan Barnes has re-interpreted this classic self-help technique for a new generation.
Developed by Dr William Bates in 1919, the Bates method is a series of exercises and everyday techniques to incorporate into your life that corrects all the common eye problems: short-sight, long-sight, astigmatism and the decline of vision due to age. It can correct anyone’s vision techniques, teaching relaxation and visualisation exercises that ease the strain on the eyes and allows the eyes to perform at their best.
With simple instructions and the use of eye charts included in the book, this practical and accessible guide could significantly improve your eyesight in just half an hour a day.
Tentang Penulis
Jonathan Barnes’s own poor eyesight, combined with his biologist’s curiosity and his frustration at previously published accounts of the Bates method, caused him to write Improve Your Eyesight.