Position your organisation’s culture to attain new heights
Above the Line: How to Create a Company Culture that Engages
Employees, Delights Customers and Delivers Results offers all
leaders a handbook for leveraging an organisation’s culture to
engage staff, increase customer satisfaction and streamline
business performance. A groundbreaking work, this book reveals what
it takes to achieve optimum results from your organisational
culture without employing the use of external consultants. This
organic, in-house approach to company culture transformation saves
both time and money. Step-by-step, author Michael Henderson
illustrates how to create a culture in which employees and leaders
delight those outside the company–customers, shareholder,
employees’ families, suppliers and the board of directors–and
anyone else who may benefit from an association with the
The book’s proven models and ideas have been tried and tested
with a broad range of of high-profile international companies.
Expert author, Michael Henderson, a.k.a. The Corporate
Anthropologist, has more than 30 years’ experience, and a proven
track record of working and consulting with organisations to
enhance their workplace cultures.
* Reveals how to create an organisational culture that achieves
desired results
* Puts the cultural transformation process in the hands of the
people directly effected
* Smashes some of the established and costly myths about culture
and how to work with culture
This important resource is written for leaders, managers and
supervisors at all levels and across industries.
Daftar Isi
About the author xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Introduction xv
Part I: Understanding culture 1
1 What is culture? 3
2 Why organisations should take culture seriously 19
3 Aligning culture and strategy 33
Part II: Above the line culture 65
4 Above and below the line cultures 67
5 Below the line stages: dead cultures 99
6 Below the line stages: dying cultures 103
7 Below the line stages: disabled cultures 109
8 Crossing the line: a shift in perspective 119
9 Above the line cultures: stable 125
10 Above the line cultures: successful 131
11 Above the line cultures: excelling 139
12 A glimpse behind the curtain: consciousness and culture 151
Part III: Elevating culture 157
13 Cultural buoyancy devices 159
14 Leaders worth following 165
15 Work worth doing 175
16 Cultures worth contributing to 187
Part IV: Culture planning 197
17 Preparing to plan 199
18 Culture plan 1: purpose 203
19 Culture plan 2: identity 205
20 Culture plan 3: values 209
21 Culture plan 4: capability 213
22 Culture plan 5: behaviour 215
23 Culture plan 6: environment 219
24 Culture plan example 227
25 A final word of encouragement 233
26 Next steps 235
Bibliography 237
Index 239
Tentang Penulis
Michael Henderson is a corporate anthropologist and has 30 years’ experience consulting to organisations to enhance their workplace culture. Michael has studied traditional and organisational cultures in over 40 countries and has written numerous books on values and culture. Michael has studied traditional and organisational cultures in over 40 countries and has written numerous books on values and culture.