Transform Your Landscape into a beautiful, abundant paradise! Around the world, up and down every street, people are eager to take positive action right in their own yards. This radically new, yet ancient type of garden has it all. These Transformative Landscapes:
- Are abundant with nutrient-dense fruit and vegetables,
- They’re easier than you could imagine,
- They fight Climate Change by sequestering carbon,
- They’re resilient, drought-proof, and resist pest problems,
- They care for wildlife and native species,
- They regenerate healthy soil,
- They clean and steward water,
- They build real wealth and family security,
- They can even help you escape the rat race,
- Help you reconnect with nature and community,
And-at their best-they are astoundingly beautiful. With the right designs and techniques, we can have all this on as little as a few hours of work per week.
This beautiful book guides you on the rewarding adventure of transforming your landscape into a beautiful, bountiful paradise:
- Over 100 tried and true designs, ideas, and projects you can adapt to your own project,
- Cutting edge, research-based techniques for abundant gardens without plastics, poisons or petroleum,
- Hundreds of pictures, infographics, and illustrations,
- Dozens of recommended edible plant profiles, including perennial edibles, tree crops, and vegetables,
- Beautiful designs for gardens, forest gardens, hedgerows, farms, plant ‘guilds, ‘ ponds,
- Tips and techniques for creating landscapes that are as beautiful and spiritually fulfilling as they are abundant with food.
Daftar Isi
Table of Contents
Index of Useful Designs and Patterns4
Part 1: A Beauty and Abundance Manifesto8
Chapter 1: Introduction, Growing Abundance and Beauty9
Adventure Step 1: Visioning, Top Priorities25
Chapter 2: The Transformative Power of Beauty27
Step 2: The Solid Base Self Assessment44
Chapter 3: Models of Transformative Aesthetics46
Part 2: Transformative Themes and Concepts 68
Chapter 4: Designing and Transforming the Landscape69
Chapter 5: How a Sense of Play Builds a Better Life and a Better World88
Chapter 6: The Permission to Get Weird90
Chapter 7: The Nature of Beauty and Beauty of Nature95
Chapter 8: Transcending the Conflict Between Intuition and Reason.94
Chapter 9: Ghosts101
Chapter 10: The Elements and Patterns of Transformative Aesthetics for Landscapes106
Part 3: Transforming the Landscape, Beautifully116
Chapter 11: The Power of Transformative Landscapes117
Adventure Step 3: Water Wise Design122
Chapter 12: Gardening Beautifully: Holistic Natural Management127
Chapter 13: Holistic Intensive Gardening151
Chapter 14: Nurse Log Patterns for Beauty, Ecology, and Productivity166
Chapter 15: Transforming Soil?174
Adventure Step 4: Plan your Fertility Systems183
Chapter 16: Starting Gardens the Holistic Natural Way188
Chapter 17: The Transformative Double Dig192
Chapter 18: Sheet Mulching Revisited.196
Chapter 19: Hugelkulturs that are Cool and Cultured204
Chapter 20: Herb Spiraling out of Control210
Chapter 21: Herb-Inspiraled Spin-offs213
Chapter 22: Planting into Resident Vegetation216
Part 4: Patterns and Projects for Abundant Beauty218
Chapter 23: Overview Patterns for Beautiful Transformative Landscapes218
Chapter 24: Thematic Patterns for Beautiful Gardens221
Chapter 24: The Edible, Aesthetic, and Mighty Hedgerow, and/or Tapestry Hedge247
Adventure Step 5: Begin listing Patterns you want in your landscape256
Chapter 25: All-star Ornamental Edible Plant Profiles257
Chapter 26: Selected Plant Profiles:263
Adventure Step 6: Start Listing Major Perennial Crops and Plants 316
Chapter 27: Patterns for Sacredness321
Chapter 28: Patterns for Garden Layout337
Chapter 29: Basic Patterns for Garden Color342
Chapter 30: Patterns for Attracting Natural Beauty to the Landscape356
Chapter 31: Aesthetic patterns for ponds and water364
Chapter 32: Patterns for Beautiful Paths371
Chapter 33: Places to sit388
Part 5: Aesthetic Guilds for the Beautiful, Abundant Garden400
Chapter 34: Guild Design Basics402
Chapter 35: Model Gardens for Inspiration440
Growing in Beauty and Abundance Over Time
Tentang Penulis
Michael Hoag has spent over 20 years having an adventurous career in the army of community change-makers transforming the world. Since his Permaculture landscape transformation passion grew into a thriving full-time livelihood, he’s had the pleasure of working and consulting on over 300 regenerative projects. He has managed Lillie House Permaculture, an urban production garden and community transformation business, and directs the Transformative Adventures Cooperative for supporting careers in community-scale change. Michael has worked in many aspects of the field: as a farmer, organizer and landscaper; in the nation’s largest sustainable aquaponics facility; with a commodities exchange; with a farm loan operation; as a forager; as an environmental activist with PIRGIM, the Sierra Club, Michigan Safe Energy Future, and several local environmental organizations; as a college professor and curriculum designer; and with migrant labor communities as an educator. Now Michael works on his own terms leading landscape transformation programs, as a teacher, Permaculture designer, production gardener, plantsman, herbalist, forager, artist, and curriculum designer. He’s an avid natural gardener, ecology geek, food-lover, musician, and philosopher in love with all the exciting opportunities this beautiful world offers at this unique time.