Service-learning has many definitions based on how a service program is structured in a particular institution. For this book, it is defined as a structured learning experience that combines community service with student preparation and reflection–a connecting link being established between academics and service.
The central focus of this textbook is the integration of service-learning into the nursing curriculum. The contributors address the components of service-learning and its central relationship to education and curriculum and discuss issues related to service-learning by incorporating narrative comments from some from some 300 students who have participated in various service-learning programs.
Daftar Isi
Appendix A: Resources
Appendix B: Consent for Evaluation of Service-Learning Activity
Appendix C: A Qualitative Evaluation
Appendix D: Quantitative Service-Learning Evaluation
Appendix E: Program Planning Sample
Appendix F: Sample Program Design: Introductory Level
Appendix G: Sample Program Design: Senior Level