<i>Theory and Method in the Neurosciences</i> surveys the nature and structure of theories in contemporary neuroscience, exploring many of its methodological techniques and problems. The essays in this volume from the Pittsburgh -Konstanz series explore basic questions about how to relate theories of neuroscience and cognition, the multilevel character of such theories, and their experimental bases. Philosophers and scientists (and some who are both) examine the topics of explanation and mechanisms, simulation and computation, imaging and animal models that raise questions about the forefront of research in cognitive neuroscience. Their work will stimulate new thinking in anyone interested in the mind or brain and in recent theories of their connections.
Tentang Penulis
<b>Peter Machamer</b> is professor of history and philosophy of science at the University of Pittsburgh. He is coeditor, with Gereon Wolters, of <i>Thinking about Causes: From Greek Philosophy to Modern Physics</i> and <i>Science, Values, and Objectivity, </i> among other books.