Non-Fiction / Self-Help / Parenting / Mentor / Education / Bible / Spiritual Raising Champions is a tool that will help parents and mentors achieve two goals with one action. The book focuses on the most powerful influencer of the future of the human race…parents and mentors. The issues our youth are grappling with today are the result of the environments parents have created or environments parents allow to exist around the youth they are ordained to protect. Rampant eviden...
Non-Fiction / Self-Help / Parenting / Mentor / Education / Bible / Spiritual Raising Champions is a tool that will help parents and mentors achieve two goals with one action. The book focuses on the most powerful influencer of the future of the human race…parents and mentors. The issues our youth are grappling with today are the result of the environments parents have created or environments parents allow to exist around the youth they are ordained to protect. Rampant evidence of spiritual bankruptcy, moral decay, low academic performance, promiscuity, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse and a lack of initiative and a solid work ethic are byproducts of poor parenting and a lack of a spiritual foundation. The power to change the course of lives of future generations of youth is in the hands of parents and mentors. Most parents are struggling to keep their head’s above the water is true. The conditions the parents and mentors live and work under, breed a climate of complaining and bitterness and is modeled before our youth as the primary example of behavior on a daily basis. * What a parent does is more powerful than what they say* Parents with unachieved goals, raise youth with unachieved goals* The commercial retail industry’s goal is to create spend-a-holics* You are charged to raise you children…not entertainers* Parent’s change the environment…you change the children* The tools in this book can change your life in 60 seconds! Take your God given, rightful place as a parent or mentor and you can save your life and the lives of youths you have been entrusted to Raise into Champions.