The second edition of Ethical Theory: An Anthology features a comprehensive collection of more than 80 essays from classic and contemporary philosophers that address questions at the heart of moral philosophy.
- Brings together 82 classic and contemporary pieces by renowned philosophers, from seminal works by Hume and Kant to contemporary views by Derek Parfit, Susan Wolf, Judith Jarvis Thomson, and many more
- Features updates and the inclusion of a new section on feminist ethics, along with a general introduction and section introductions by Russ Shafer-Landau
- Guides readers through key areas in ethical theory including consequentialism, deontology, contractarianism, and virtue ethics
- Includes underrepresented topics such as moral knowledge, moral standing, moral
responsibility, and ethical particularism
Daftar Isi
Preface xi
Source Acknowledgments xiii
Part I The Status of Morality 1
Introduction to Part I 3
1. “Of the Influencing Motives of the Will” and “Moral Distinctions Not Derived from Reason” 7
David Hume
2. A Critique of Ethics 16
A. J. Ayer
3. The Subjectivity of Values 22
J. L. Mackie
4. Ethics and Observation 31
Gilbert Harman
5. Moral Relativism Defended 35
Gilbert Harman
6. Cultural Relativism 44
Harry Gensler
7. The Subject-Matter of Ethics 48
G. E. Moore
8. Ethics as Philosophy: A Defense of Ethical Nonnaturalism 54
Russ Shafer-Landau
9. Realism 63
Michael Smith
Part II Moral Knowledge 69
Introduction to Part II 71
10. Thinking About Cases 74
Shelly Kagan
11. But I Could be Wrong 85
George Sher
12. Proof 94
Renford Bambrough
13. Moral Knowledge and Ethical Pluralism 101
Robert Audi
14. Coherentism and the Justification of Moral Beliefs 112
Geoffrey Sayre-Mc Cord
Part III Why Be Moral? 127
Introduction to Part III 129
15. The Immoralist’s Challenge 132
16. Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives 138
Philippa Foot
17. A Puzzle About the Rational Authority of Morality 144
David O. Brink
18. Moral Rationalism 159
Russ Shafer-Landau
19. Psychological Egoism 167
Joel Feinberg
20. Flourishing Egoism 178
Lester Hunt
21. Ethical Egoism 193
James Rachels
22. Moral Saints 200
Susan Wolf
Part IV Ethics and Religion 213
Introduction to Part IV 215
23. Euthyphro 218
24. A New Divine Command Theory 220
Robert Merrihew Adams
25. God and Objective Morality: A Debate 225
William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
26. God and Immortality as Postulates of Pure Practical Reason 230
Immanuel Kant
27. God and the Moral Order 234
C. Stephen Layman
28. God and Morality 242
Erik Wielenberg
Part V Value 253
Introduction to Part V 255
29. Hedonism 258
John Stuart Mill
30. The Experience Machine 264
Robert Nozick
31. The Good Life: A Defense of Attitudinal Hedonism 266
Fred Feldman
32. Rationality and Full Information 277
Thomas Carson
33. Desire and the Human Good 286
Richard Kraut
34. What Makes Someone’s Life Go Best 294
Derek Parfit
35. What Things are Good? 299
W. D. Ross
Part VI Moral Responsibility 303
Introduction to Part VI 305
36. Determinism and the Theory of Agency 308
Richard Taylor
37. The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility 312
Galen Strawson
38. Freedom and Necessity 317
A. J. Ayer
39. Moral Luck 322
Thomas Nagel
40. Sanity and the Metaphysics of Responsibility 330
Susan Wolf
41. Freedom and Resentment 340
Peter Strawson
Part VII Moral Standing 353
Introduction to Part VII 355
42. We Have No Duties to Animals 359
Immanuel Kant
43. All Animals are Equal 361
Peter Singer
44. The Rights of Animals and Unborn Generations 372
Joel Feinberg
45. On Being Morally Considerable 381
Kenneth Goodpaster
46. Abortion and Infanticide 390
Michael Tooley
47. An Argument that Abortion is Wrong 400
Don Marquis
Part VIII Consequentialism 411
Introduction to Part VIII 413
48. Utilitarianism 417
John Stuart Mill
49. Extreme and Restricted Utilitarianism 423
J. J. C. Smart
50. Rule-Consequentialism 428
Brad Hooker
51. Alienation, Consequentialism, and the Demands of Morality 441
Peter Railton
52. What is Wrong with Slavery 458
R. M. Hare
53. Famine, Affluence and Morality 466
Peter Singer
54. The Survival Lottery 474
John Harris
Part IX Deontology 479
Introduction to Part IX 481
55. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 485
Immanuel Kant
56. Kant’s Formula of Universal Law 499
Christine Korsgaard
57. Kantian Approaches to Some Famine Problems 510
Onora O’Neill
58. The Rationality of Side Constraints 521
Robert Nozick
59. The Golden Rule Rationalized 524
Alan Gewirth
60. The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of the Double Effect 536
Philippa Foot
61. Killing, Letting Die, and the Trolley Problem 543
Judith Jarvis Thomson
Part X Contractarianism 553
Introduction to Part X 555
62. Leviathan 558
Thomas Hobbes
63. Why Contractarianism? 571
David Gauthier
64. A Theory of Justice 581
John Rawls
65. Contractualism and Utilitarianism 593
T. M. Scanlon
Part XI Virtue Ethics 609
Introduction to Part XI 611
66. The Nature of Virtue 615
67. Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach 630
Martha Nussbaum
68. Normative Virtue Ethics 645
Rosalind Hursthouse
69. Agent-Based Virtue Ethics 653
Michael Slote
70. A Virtue Ethical Account of Right Action 664
Christine Swanton
71. Being Virtuous and Doing the Right Thing 676
Julia Annas
Part XII Feminist Ethics 687
Introduction to Part XII 689
72. In a Different Voice 692
Carol Gilligan
73. An Ethic of Caring 699
Nell Noddings
74. Justice, Care, and Gender Bias 713
Cheshire Calhoun
75. The Need for More than Justice 721
Annette Baier
76. Sexism 729
Marilyn Frye
77. Feminist Skepticism, Authority, and Transparency 735
Margaret Urban Walker
Part XIII Prima Facie Duties and Particularism 751
Introduction to Part XIII 753
78. What Makes Right Acts Right? 756
W. D. Ross
79. An Unconnected Heap of Duties? 763
David Mc Naughton
80. An Unprincipled Morality 772
Jonathan Dancy
81. On Knowing the “Why”: Particularism and Moral Theory 776
Margaret Olivia Little
82. Unprincipled Ethics 785
Gerald Dworkin
Tentang Penulis
Russ Shafer-Landau is Department Chair and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His previous publications include The Foundations of Ethics: An Anthology (2006, with Terence Cuneo) and Moral Realism: A Defense (2003). He also the editor of Oxford Studies in Metaethics.