Daftar Isi
Figures and Rubrics.
The Authors.
A Systemic Approach to Human Capital Management.
About the METworks SM Framework.
About This Book.
1. Teachers and L...
Daftar Isi
Figures and Rubrics.
The Authors.
A Systemic Approach to Human Capital Management.
About the METworks SM Framework.
About This Book.
1. Teachers and Leaders in Schools: The Conditions That Support Effective Teachers and Leaders.
Create a Positive, Collaborative, and Team-Oriented School Culture That Facilitates Effective Teaching.
Engage Families and the Community in a Meaningfuland Genuine Way.
Ensure That Teacher Workloads Are Reasonable.
Ensure That Schools Are Safe, Clean, and Appropriately Equippedfor Effective Teaching.
From Their Schools to Yours: Getting the Ball Rolling.
2. Getting the Right People on the Bus: How School Districts Manage Teacher Recruitment, Hiring, and Placement.
Hire the Best Possible Candidates.
Distribute Teachers Appropriately and Equitably Across Schoolsand Classrooms.
If the Pool of Excellent Applicants Is Too Shallow, Work to Widen the Pool. If Outstanding Applicants Are Not Accepting Your Offers, Review Your Educator Talent Management System.
Teacher Recruitment Checklists.
3. The Enduring Role of Unions: Teacher Performance Management.
What Do You Want to Measure?
How Do You Want to Measure Teacher Effectiveness?
What Will You Do with This Information?
Implications for Professional Development.
Implications for Staffing.
Implications for Compensation.
Putting the Pieces Together.
From Their School to Yours: Getting the Ball Rolling.
4. The View from the Statehouse: Enabling Teachers, Buildingthe Profession.
The Role of Federal Teacher Quality Policy.
Building the Profession: Strong Induction and Mentoring Programs.
High-Quality Professional Development: Enabling Teachers.
Making Connections to Induction, Mentoring, and Professional Development Across the Career Continuum.
From the Statehouse to the Schoolhouse: Getting the Ball Rolling.
5. Setting the Table: The Role of Institutions of Higher Education in Preparing Teachers for Success.
Serve as a Gateway to the Profession.
Prepare Candidates to Be Effective in the Classroom.
From Higher Education to Your School: Getting the Ball Rolling.
Conclusion: Managing Educator Talent for Gen Y Teachers and Beyond.
Conditions That Support Effective Teachers and Leaders.
Teacher Recruitment, Hiring, and Placement.
Teacher Performance Management.
Enabling Teachers, Building the Profession.
The Role of Institutions of Higher Education in Preparing Teachers for Success.