Daftar Isi
Table of Contents. Preface. 1 Accreditation in the Framework of Evaluation Activities: A Comparative Study in the European Higher Education Area; Stefanie Schwarz and Don...
Daftar Isi
Table of Contents. Preface. 1 Accreditation in the Framework of Evaluation Activities: A Comparative Study in the European Higher Education Area; Stefanie Schwarz and Don F. Westerheijden. 2 Accreditation and Differentiation: A Policy to Establish New Sectors in Austrian Higher Education; Hans Pechar and Cornelia Klepp. 3 Czech Quality Assurance: The Tasks and Responsibilities of Accreditation and Evaluation; Helena Šebková. 4 Ministerial Approval and Improvement-Oriented Evaluation in Denmark: An Alternative to Accreditation?; Dorte Kristoffersen. 5 Three Rounds of Evaluation and the Idea of Accreditation in Finnish Higher Education; Jussi Välimaa. 6 Quality Assurance and Accreditation in the Flemish Community of Belgium; Dirk Van Damme. 7 The Changing Role of the State in French Higher Education: From Curriculum Control to Programme Accreditation; Thierry Chevaillier. 8 Shift of Paradigm in Quality Assurance in Germany: More Autonomy but Multiple Quality Assessment?; Angelika Schade. 9 The National System of Higher Education in Greece: Waiting for a Systematic Quality Assurance System; Harilaos Billiris. 10 Quality Assurance in Motion. Higher Education in Hungary after the Change of Regime and the First Cycle of Accreditation; Christina Rozsnyai. 11 Practice and Procedures Regarding Accreditation and Evaluation in the Irish Republic; Maureen Killeavy. 12 Italy: Accreditation in Progress. Autonomy, Minimum Standards, Quality Assurance; Carlo Finocchietti and Silvia Cappucci. 13 Latvia: Completion of the First Accreditation Round – What Next?; Andrejs Rauhvargers. 14 Multipurpose Accreditation in Lithuania: Facilitating Quality Improvement, and Heading towards a Two-tier System of Higher Education; Birute Victoria Mockiene. 15 The Netherlands: A Leader in Quality Assurance Follows the Accreditation Trend; Margarita Jeliazkova and Don F.Westerheijden. 16 The Blurring Boundaries Between Accreditation and Audit: The Case of Norway; Bjørn Stensaker. 17 Accreditation and Evaluation in Poland: Concepts, Developments and Trends; Ewa Chmielecka and Marcin Dabrowski. 18 Portugal: Professional and Academic Accreditation – The Impossible Marriage?; Alberto Amaral and Maria João Rosa. 19 A Decade of Quality Assurance in Spanish Universities; José-Ginés Mora. 20 From Audit to Accreditation-Like Processes: The Case of Sweden; Staffan Wahlén. 21 Accreditation and Related Regulatory Matters in the United Kingdom; John Brennan and Ruth Williams. About the Contributors.