This volume presents a rich account of the development of accreditation and evaluation in 20 European countries. It shows how accreditation is becoming a main mechanism in the steering of higher education across Europe. The book is unique in its analysis of forces driving towards the spread of different models of accreditation in the emerging European Higher Education area.
Table of Contents. Preface. 1 Accreditation in the Framework of Evaluation Activities: A Comparative Study in the European Higher Education Area; Stefanie Schwarz and Don F. Westerheijden. 2 Accreditation and Differentiation: A Policy to Establish New Sectors in Austrian Higher Education; Hans Pechar and Cornelia Klepp. 3 Czech Quality Assurance: The Tasks and Responsibilities of Accreditation and Evaluation; Helena Šebková. 4 Ministerial Approval and Improvement-Oriented Evaluation in Denmark: An Alternative to Accreditation?; Dorte Kristoffersen. 5 Three Rounds of Evaluation and the Idea of Accreditation in Finnish Higher Education; Jussi Välimaa. 6 Quality Assurance and Accreditation in the Flemish Community of Belgium; Dirk Van Damme. 7 The Changing Role of the State in French Higher Education: From Curriculum Control to Programme Accreditation; Thierry Chevaillier. 8 Shift of Paradigm in Quality Assurance in Germany: More Autonomy but Multiple Quality Assessment?; Angelika Schade. 9 The National System of Higher Education in Greece: Waiting for a Systematic Quality Assurance System; Harilaos Billiris. 10 Quality Assurance in Motion. Higher Education in Hungary after the Change of Regime and the First Cycle of Accreditation; Christina Rozsnyai. 11 Practice and Procedures Regarding Accreditation and Evaluation in the Irish Republic; Maureen Killeavy. 12 Italy: Accreditation in Progress. Autonomy, Minimum Standards, Quality Assurance; Carlo Finocchietti and Silvia Cappucci. 13 Latvia: Completion of the First Accreditation Round – What Next?; Andrejs Rauhvargers. 14 Multipurpose Accreditation in Lithuania: Facilitating Quality Improvement, and Heading towards a Two-tier System of Higher Education; Birute Victoria Mockiene. 15 The Netherlands: A Leader in Quality Assurance Follows the Accreditation Trend; Margarita Jeliazkova and Don F.Westerheijden. 16 The Blurring Boundaries Between Accreditation and Audit: The Case of Norway; Bjørn Stensaker. 17 Accreditation and Evaluation in Poland: Concepts, Developments and Trends; Ewa Chmielecka and Marcin Dabrowski. 18 Portugal: Professional and Academic Accreditation – The Impossible Marriage?; Alberto Amaral and Maria João Rosa. 19 A Decade of Quality Assurance in Spanish Universities; José-Ginés Mora. 20 From Audit to Accreditation-Like Processes: The Case of Sweden; Staffan Wahlén. 21 Accreditation and Related Regulatory Matters in the United Kingdom; John Brennan and Ruth Williams. About the Contributors.