Der Band bietet die erste systematische Studie über Arbeitsbedingungen und industrielle Beziehungen in den Kernindustrien der chinesischen Exportwirtschaft. Auf der Basis von über dreißig Fallstudien multinationaler Unternehmen der Automobil-, Elektronik- und Textilindustrie beleuchten die Autoren die verschiedenen Produktionsregime im Kontext globaler und nationaler Vernetzung. Dabei untersuchen sie auch die Rolle der Gewerkschaften sowie die Bedeutung von kollektiven Tarifverhandlungen und betrieblicher Mitbestimmung in China.
Tabella dei contenuti
I . Socio-Economic Transformation, Industrial Relations
and Regimes of Production in China
1 . Changing Labor Relations – Conceptual Approaches
and Perspectives
2 . Diverging Patterns of Economic Restructuring and Control .
3 . Regimes of Production in Core Industries
4 . Research Methodology and Outline of Case Studies
II . Labor Relations and Regimes of Production in the
Automobile Sector
1 . Introduction
2 . Industry Structure and Basic Trends of Development
3 . Models of Production and Supplier Networks .
4 . Workforce Structure and Labor Relations
5 . Introduction to Case Studies
5 .1 Automobile Assembly Case Studies
5 .1 .1 Automobile Assembly Case Study 1
5 .1 .2 Automobile Assembly Case Study 2
5 .1 .3 Automobile Assembly Case Study 3 (2 Factories)
5 .1 .4 Automobile Assembly Case Study 4
5 .2 Automotive Suppliers Case Studies
5 .2 .1 Automotive Suppliers Case Study 1
5 .2 .2 Automotive Suppliers Case Study 2
5 .2 .3 Automotive Suppliers Case Study 3
5 .2 .4 Automotive Suppliers Case Study 4
III . Labor Relations and Regimes of Production in the
Electronics Industry
1 . Introduction
2 . Industry Structure and Basic Trends of Development .
3 . Models of Production and Supplier Networks
4 . Workforce Structure and Labor Relations .
5 . Introduction to Case Studies .
5 .1 Electronics Industry Case Studies: Brand-Name Firms
5 .1 .1 Electronics Industry Case Study 1
5 .1 .2 Electronics Industry Case Study 2
5 .1 .3 Electronics Industry Case Study 3
5 .2 Electronics Industry Case Studies: Contract Manufacturers
5 .2 .1 Electronics Industry Case Study 4
5 .2 .2 Electronics Industry Case Study 5 (3 Factories)
5 .3 Electronics Industry Case Studies: Electronics
Component Suppliers
5 .3 .1 Electronics Industry Case Study 6
5 .3 .2 Electronics Industry Case Study 7
5 .3 .3 Electronics Industry Case Study 8
IV . Labor Relations and Regimes of Production in the
Textile and Garment Industry
1 . Introduction
2 . Industry Structure and Basic Trends of Development
3 . Models of Production and Supplier Networks
4 . Workforce Structure and Labor Relations
5 . Introduction to Case Studies
5 .1 Textile and Garment Industry Case Studies
5 .1 .1 Textile and Garment Industry Case Study 1
5 .1 .2 Textile and Garment Industry Case Study 2
5 .1 .3 Textile and Garment Industry Case Study 3
5 .1 .4 Textile and Garment Industry Case Study 4
5 .1 .5 Textile and Garment Industry Case Study 5
V . Regimes of Production and Labor Standards
1 . Summary Discussion of Regimes of Production
2 . Auto Industry Case Studies Summary
3 . Electronics Industry Case Studies Summary
4 . Garment Industry Case Studies Summary
5 . Diversity of Production Regimes and Instability of Workplace
6 . Management Prerogative and Labor Standards
7 . No New Deal for Workers in China .
8 . Regimes of Production and Industrial Conflict: the 2010
Autoworkers’ Strikes in South China
9 . Making Tripartism Work? Policies of Labor Reform
in Guangdong Province
Table and Figure Credits
Circa l’autore
Boy Lüthje ist Mitarbeiter am Institut für Sozialforschung Frankfurt und Visiting Professor an der Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou,
China. Siqi Luo ist Industriesoziologin und promovierte 2012 an der Universität Frankfurt. Hao Zhang ist Promotionsstudent an der
Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations.