Confidence Clement of Alexandria Stromata4.8 Confidence Hebrews10.35 Confidence before God Origen De Principiis3.1.21 Confidence: boldness in confidence Origen Commentary on Ephesians3.12 Confidence: exorcise confidently Two Letters to Virgins(pseudo-Clement)1.12 Confidence, godly1 Clement2.3 Confidence: husbands are to have confidence in their wives Clement of Alexandria Paedagogus3.11 Confidence: if you think you can stand, take heed lest you fall1 Corinthians10.12 Confidence: if you think you can stand, take heed lest you fall Two Letters to Virgins(pseudo-Clement)2.13 Confidence in faith Origen Homilies on Judges9.1 Confidence in God Clement of Alexandria Stromata2.6 Confidence in God Origen De Principiis3.1.21 Confidence in God Theophilus To Autolycus1.8 Confidence in God rather than man Hippolytus Commentary on Daniel3.29 Confidence in Jesus Christ Origen Homilies on Isaiah7.2 Confidence in the Lord1 Clement34.5 Confidence in the Lord Tertullian Against Marcion2.19 Confidence in the mind Origen Homilies on Judges9.1 Confidence in the Word Clement of Alexandria Protrepticus12 Confidence of uncreated liberty Origen Homilies on Leviticus16.6.1
Circa l’autore
DR. BRATTSTON has used earlier drafts of the lists in this work as a starting-point for writing approximately two hundred and ninety of his own articles and pamphlets on specific topics of Christian ethics. These syntheses of early and contemporary Christianity have been published by a wide variety of denominations in every major English-speaking country. He hopes readers will use them similarly to write essays, articles, and sermons of their own, or to work out personal questions in Christian ethics.