This book provides an overview and evaluation of the quality of bilingual education found in internationalised higher education institutions. Its authors focus on the multifaceted roles that language(s) play in these growing multilingual spaces and analyse and identify the many factors that account for quality multilingual degree programmes. The chapters cover themes such as language policy, quality assurance tools and indicators of quality and the authors approach issues of quality from very different and complementary perspectives, adopting for example, temporal, evaluative and developmental positioning, and taking micro, meso and macro level perspectives, while still keeping sight of the local realities, practices and possibilities. The contributions are written by authors working in Brazil, Finland, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK and have implications for researchers, education coordinators, practitioners and other stakeholders who are looking to design, launch and evaluate new programmes in any higher education context worldwide.
Tabella dei contenuti
Emma Dafouz: Foreword: Quality in Multilingual Higher Education: From Supra-National Strategies to Institutional Realizations
Fernando D. Rubio-Alcalá & Do Coyle: Introduction
Chapter 1. Patrick Studer: Internationalization, Quality and Multilingualism in Higher Education: A Troublesome Relationship
Chapter 2. Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez: Building a Language Policy for Quality Multilingualism in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice
Chapter 3. Kyria Finardi, Pat Moore and Felipe Guimarães: Glocalization and Internationalization in University Language Policy Making
Chapter 4. Karin Båge and Jennifer Valcke: From EME to SDG. The Journey of a Medical University
Chapter 5. Víctor Pavón Vázquez: The Role of Languages in the Internationalization of Higher Education: Institutional Challenges
Chapter 6. David Marsh and Wendy Díaz Pérez: A Key Development Indicator Matrix for Systemizing CLIL in Higher Education Environments
Chapter 7. Javier Ávila-López, Francisco Rubio-Cuenca and Rocío López-Lechuga: AGCEPESA Project: Designing a Tool to Measure Quality of Plurilingual Programs in Higher Education
Chapter 8. David Lasagabaster: Team Teaching: A Way to Boost the Quality of EMI Programmes?
Chapter 9. Maria Ellison: Understanding the Affective for Effective EMI in Higher Education
Circa l’autore
Do Coyle is Professor of Languages Education and Classroom Pedagogy at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Her research focuses on bilingual education and pedagogies specifically content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Her seminal Cambridge University Press (CUP) book titled CLIL (Coyle, Hood & Marsh, 2010) led to recent CUP publications – Beyond CLIL (Coyle & Meyer, 2021) and A Deeper Learning Companion for CLIL (Coyle, Meyer & Straschen-Dielmann, 2023). As a founder member of the Graz Group, she promotes pluriliteracies teacher education and prioritises how classrooms, pedagogic shifts, disciplinary literacies, and shared learning spaces impact on equality, diversity, and inclusion for those who matter most – teachers and learners.