Autore: Kelly Flanagan

Sarah Elizabeth Hall (Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University) is assistant professor of psychology at Wheaton College. Her research interests are in the area of emotion regulation in children, specifically the development of emotion regulation in early childhood and relations between emotion regulation and psychopathology.

6 Ebook di Kelly Flanagan

Kelly Flanagan: Loveable
Kelly Flanagan is a psychologist, father, and blogger who is best known for the letters he has written to his children on his blog, one of which landed him on The Today Show with his four-year-old da …
Kelly S. Flanagan & Sarah E. Hall: Christianity and Developmental Psychopathology
Midwest Publishing Association Award of Excellence Since its origin in the early 1980s, the field of developmental psychopathology has become a highly influential framework for approaching the clinic …
Kelly Flanagan: True Companions
When we quit sabotaging intimacy in our relationships by demanding unconditional love, we discover something much greater—the deeply satisfying, transformational love that is companionship. In these …
Kelly Flanagan: True Companions Study Guide
How do we cultivate the life-long relationships we are longing for, whether within marriage or friendship? In his book True Companions, psychologist Kelly Flanagan shows how each of us can enjoy the …
Kelly Flanagan: The Unhiding of Elijah Campbell
Illumination Book Award Nautilus Book Award Elijah Campbell is on the verge of losing his writing career, his faith, and his marriage when a recurring childhood nightmare drives him back to his homet …
Kelly Flanagan: Der Fluss der Erinnerung
Elijah Campbell steht an einem Wendepunkt in seinem Leben, denn mit einem Mal droht er alles zu verlieren, was ihm wichtig ist: seine Familie, seine Schriftstellerkarriere, seinen Glauben. Ein ständi …