Drastic changes in the career aspirations of women in the developed
world have resulted in a new, globalised market for off-the-peg
designer clothes created by independent artisans. This book reports
on a phenomenon that seems to exemplify the twin imperatives
of globalisation and female emancipation.
* A major conceptual contribution to the literatures on
globalisation, fashion and gender, analysing the ways in which
women’s entry into the labour force over the past thirty...
Tabella dei contenuti
List of Figures and Credits ix
Preface xi
Series Editors’ Preface xiv
Acknowledgements xv
1 What We Saw and Why We Started this Project 1
2 Global Aspirat...
Circa l’autore
Maureen Molloy is Professor of Women’s Studies at the
University of Auckland. Her work has focused on the relationships
between academic ideas, policy contexts, and...