This book is distinctive in that it focuses exclusively on current laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques for inguinal, primary and incisional abdominal wall, and hiatal hernias. Individual steps in diagnosis and treatment are described by experts in the field, but this clinical expertise is also integrated with the best available external evidence from systematic research as encapsulated in statements, recommendations, and guidelines. The reader will thus not only learn how to perform techniques systematically and reproducibly but also come to understand which of the procedures have been scientifically validated by studies, reviews, and meta-analyses and which have simply developed empirically. The descriptions of technique are supplemented by detailed guidance on such aspects as indications, anesthesia, aftercare and pain management, and the prevention and management of complications. Where appropriate, careful comparisons are made of competing repair options, including open techniques. In summary, this book will help practicing surgeons to standardize their operative technique so as to reflect current scientific knowledge and thereby improve the quality of laparoscopic/endoscopic hernia surgery.
Tabella dei contenuti
Inguinal Hernia: Anatomy of the groin – laparoscopic view.- Diagnostics.- Classification.- Laparoscopic surgical techniques – working mechanisms.- Indication for surgery, laparoscopic or endoscopic techniques.- Perioperative management.- Anaesthesia.- Technique Transabdominal Preperitoneals Patch Plasty (TAPP) / Standard technique.- Technique Total Extraperitoneal Patch Plasty (TEP) / Standard technique.- Comparison TAPP vs. TEP – what is better?.- Complex inguinal hernias.- Mesh technology.- Convalescence.- Chronic Pain.- Costs.- Sportsman hernia.- Comparison to open techniques. Ventral and incisional hernias: Anatomy of the abdominal wall – what is important for laparoscopic surgery?.- Ventral and incisional hernias – different diseases?.- Pathophysiology and diagnostics.- Classification.- Indication for laparoscopic surgery / Limitations.- Perioperative Management.- Anaesthesia.- Standard technique – key points of laparoscopic surgery.- Aftercare and pain management.- Complicationsand prevention / Pitfalls / Comparison to open surgery.- Education and learning curve.- Complex hernias.- Mesh technology.- Indication for prophylactic mesh implantation.- Miniopen, endoscopic supported sublay repair.- Lumbar and other unusual hernias.- Single Port Technique. Hiatal Hernias: Anatomy of the hiatus esophageus – what is important for laparoscopic surgery?.- Pathophysiology of herniation and diagnostics.- Classification.- Indication for laparoscopic repair. Reflux disease. Paraesophageal hernias. Limitations.- Perioperative Management.- Anaesthesia.- Dissection of the hernia sac – always complete?.- Division of short gastric vessels.- Preservation of n. vagus and ramus hepatopyloricus of n. vagus.- Cruroraphy.- Nissen fundoplication.- Toupet semi-fundoplication.- Rare types of repair – Dor, Belsey Mark IV, Hill, Fundo-phrenicopexie.- Mesh implatation – strip, u-shape, circular?.- Mesh fixation.- Mesh technology.- Complications and prevention.- Complex hernias.- Comparisons.- New technology development – robotics, single port.- Education and learning curve.
Circa l’autore
Reinhard Bittner
Hernienzentrum Rottenburg a.N.
Winghofer Medicum
Rottenburg am Neckar
Ferdinand Köckerling
Department of Surgery and Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Academic Teaching Hospital of Charitè Medical School
Vivantes Hospital
Neue Bergstraße 6
D-13585 Berlin
Robert J. Fitzgibbons, Jr.
Creighton University School of Medicine
Department of General Surgery
Omaha, Nebraska
Karl A. Le Blanc
Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group, Department of Surgery
Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Department of Surge
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Sumeet K. Mittal
Professor of Surgery, Creighton University School of Medicine (Phoenix campus)
Director, Esophageal and Foregut Program
Norton Thoracic Institute,
Dignity Health, Phoenix, AZ
Pradeep Chowbey
Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket
Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Su
New Delh
i, India