is Professor of South Slavic and Southeast European Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
5 Ebook di Thede Kahl
Thede Kahl & Johannes Kramer: Romanica et Balcanica
Unter dem Titel Romanica et Balcanica versuchen die Herausgeber dieser Festschrift, die Vielfältigkeit des wissenschaftlichen Schaffens Wolfgang Dahmens anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstages zu würdigen …
Thede Kahl & Iliana Krapova: Balkan and South Slavic Enclaves in Italy
This volume is a collection of new writings dealing with some of the Balkan linguistic varieties spoken in north-eastern, central and southern Italy. It brings together twenty-two papers, some of whi …
Ioana Aminian Jazi & Thede Kahl: Ethno-Cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the Caucasus
This book brings together studies from a variety of different fields in an attempt to illuminate current multidisciplinary comparative research on ethno-cultural diversity in the Balkan and the Cauca …