Jane Griffiths was born in Exeter in 1970, and brought up in Devon and Holland. After reading English at Oxford, where her poem ‘The House’ won the Newdigate Prize, she worked as a book-binder in London and Norfolk. Returning to Oxford, she completed her doctorate on the Tudor poet John Skelton and worked on the Oxford English Dictionary for two years. After teaching English Literature at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, and then at the universities of Edinburgh and Bristol, she now teaches at Wadham College, Oxford. She won an Eric Gregory Award for her poetry in 1996. Her book Another Country: New & Selected Poems (Bloodaxe Books, 2008), which included a new collection, Eclogue Over Merlin Street (2008), together with large selections from her previous two Bloodaxe collections, A Grip on Thin Air (2000) and Icarus on Earth (2005), was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best Collection. Her most recent collections from Bloodaxe are Terrestrial Variations (2012), and Silent in Finisterre (2017), which received a Poetry Book Society Recommendation.
9 Ebooks by Jane Griffiths
Jane Griffiths: Silent in Finisterre
The houses and landscapes of childhood exert a strong presence in Silent in Finisterre. Recalled by name, in incantation, or described in ways that recapture their irreducible reality to a child for …
Jane Griffiths: Diverting Authorities
Diverting Authorities examines the glossing of a variety of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century texts by authors including Lydgate, Douglas, Chaloner, Baldwin, Bullein, Harington, and Nashe. It is conce …
Jane Griffiths: John Skelton and Poetic Authority
John Skelton and Poetic Authority is the first book-length study of Skelton for almost twenty years, and the first to trace the roots of his poetic theory to his practice as a writer and translator. …
Jane Griffiths & Adam Hanna: Architectural Space and the Imagination
This book sheds light on the intimate relationship between built space and the mind, exploring the ways in which architecture inhabits and shapes both the memory and the imagination. Examining the ro …
Sebastian I. Sobecki & John Scattergood: A Critical Companion to John Skelton
John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book …
John Scattergood & Sebastian Sobecki: A Critical Companion to John Skelton
Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant strands of existing research, and opens up new avenues for future studies. John Skelton is a central …
Julia Boffey & Christiania Whitehead: Middle English Lyrics
A collection attesting to the richness and lasting appeal of these short forms of Middle English verse. The body of short Middle English poems conventionally known as lyrics is characterized by wonde …
Carol Meale & Derek Pearsall: Makers and Users of Medieval Books
Essays exploring different aspects of late medieval and early modern manuscript and book culture. Late medieval manuscripts and early modern print history form the focus of this volume. It includes n …
Jane Griffiths: Little Silver
The recurrent themes of Little Silver are inheritance, loss, and the relationship between real and imagined lives. Moments of crisis – a near-drowning, a fall down a mine-shaft, the death of a friend …