Jean Boase-Beier is Senior Lecturer in German, Linguistics
and Translation Studies in the School of Language, Linguistics and
Translation Studies of the University of East Anglia, where she
runs the MA course in literary translation. She is author of
Poetic Compounds: The Principles of Poetic Language in Modern
English Poetry (1987) as well as many articles on morphology
and translation. She is also editor of The Practices of Literary
Translation (with M. Holman, 1999).
Ken Lodge is Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and
Phonetics at the School of Language, Linguistics and Translation
Studies of the University of East Anglia. He is author of
Studies in the Phonology of Colloquial English (1984), as
well as numerous articles on phonology.
12 Ebooks by Jean Boase-Beier
Jean Boase-Beier & Ken R. Lodge: The German Language
The German Language introduces students of German to a linguistic way of looking at the language. Written from a Chomksyan perspective, this volume covers the basic structural components of the Germa …
Rose Auslander: While I Am Drawing Breath
This book is also available as a e Book. Buy it from Amazon here. The experience of living in the Chernivtsi ghetto under the Nazis remains a dark undertow in all Rose Ausländer's poetry. The ha …
Volker von Törne: Memorial to the Future
It is no coincidence that the poet Volker von Törne was, for many years, the Director of Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (Action for Atonement – Service for Peace), the German charitable organisa …
Jean Boase-Beier & Lina Fisher: The Palgrave Handbook of Literary Translation
This Handbook offers a comprehensive and engaging overview of contemporary issues in Literary Translation research through in-depth investigations of actual case studies of particular works, authors …
Jean Boase-Beier: Translation and Style
Style plays a major role in the translation of literary as well as non-literary texts, and Translation and Style offers an updated survey of this highly interdisciplinary area of translation studies. …
Jean Boase-Beier: Translation and Style
Style plays a major role in the translation of literary as well as non-literary texts, and Translation and Style offers an updated survey of this highly interdisciplinary area of translation studies. …
Jean Boase-Beier & Michael Holman: Practices of Literary Translation
In their introduction to this collection of essays, the editors argue that constraints can be seen as a source of literary creativity, and given that translation is even more constrained than ‘origin …
Jean Boase-Beier & Michael Holman: Practices of Literary Translation
In their introduction to this collection of essays, the editors argue that constraints can be seen as a source of literary creativity, and given that translation is even more constrained than ‘origin …
Dr Jean Boase-Beier: A Critical Introduction to Translation Studies
Jean Boase-Beier”s Critical Introduction To Translation Studies demonstrates a keen understanding of theoretical and practical translation. It looks to instances where translation might not be strai …
Dr Jean Boase-Beier: Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust
Taking a cognitive approach, this book asks what poetry, and in particular Holocaust poetry, does to the reader – and to what extent the translation of this poetry can have the same effects. It is in …
Dr Jean Boase-Beier & Dr Peter Davies: Translating Holocaust Lives
For readers in the English-speaking world, almost all Holocaust writing is translated writing. Translation is indispensable for our understanding of the Holocaust because there is a need to tell othe …